Comment Re:Long time BeOS expert... (Score 0) 311
Yes, PalmOS has officially stated they do not and will not let the source out in any form, licensing or not. Also, the source was leaked and what has changed in Zeta/Beta from R5.1 + bone7a and beyond (basically R6) is only done in what was leaked to the net. Bottomline, Bernd has no source license, it doesn't exist. Talk to anyone and everyone in the know, he won't address the topic/issue, and basically is ripping people off by selling a 5.5+ year old OS with some graphical additions to personalize the BeOS R5+. If you have been around long enough, you would know this to be the truth, the whole truth, so help your God. :) BTW, another substantial proof is the binary hacked version numbers in the kernel, the attempt that is. It was caught within hours of the first Zeta Beta and subsequent releases.