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Comment endowments and new president (Score 1) 81

MIT has about $27 Billion in endowment money sitting in the bank. All universities in the united states have around $1 Trillion in endowments in total. I think this story has alot to do with Trump's winning, and the fact that most of these woke universities have been growing their endowments at the same time charging more and more higher rates for tuition. At the same time, they are promoting racism on their campuses. Trump announcing on November 1st [0] that they will be seizing endowments of universities that engage in this behavior is a time for reckoning for most universities. No wonder they are offering free education for anyone who makes under 200k. That's a good start, coming from an entity with $27 Billion dollars of donated money in the bank that they don't spend a dime on education for their students.


Comment textnow is doing this with 2FA also (Score 1) 63

textnow, an SMS messaging app, is taking 2FA incoming text messages from providers (i.e. cashapp) and changing the output message to force the user to pay for a monthly subscription before the user can be able to retrieve the sms message... so it looks like alot of these SMS providers are using 2FA incoming messages as a way to make money

Comment systemic problems with accepting credit cards (Score 4, Insightful) 195

The issue here is that anyone can request and obtain a refund on Visa/Mastercard/Amex/Discover card networks for a full four months after placing their order, no questions asked. The merchant eats the stolen money, the $35 chargeback fee, and the merchant network fees. I run several businesses and we stopped accepting credit cards, and moved to 100% ACH for domestic US customers, and then we only accept credit cards for non-US customers. The huge difference with ACH is that most banks consider an ACH payment the same as writing a check, which has a three day window of cancellation. After that, there is no chargeback, generally. But in all situations, get as much data as you can from the customer -- signed order receipt, emailed confirmation, IP address, even picture of drivers license. Our chargeback rates have dropped about 10x less since we have implemented these changes, and no loss in revenue.

Comment rapid tests have been available since Jan 2020 (Score 1) 55

Covid-19 rapid tests have been available since at least January 2020, and they cost $1 each, and produce results in 3 to 10 minutes... I will say that thousands of them have been used to determine correctly whether someone has anti-bodies, and they are FDA approved. So, this story doesn't sound like its really telling the truth about the availability of these tests, its more of a marketing piece.

Comment Re: Email is a lost cause (Score 1) 337

I agree with you, as long as you set Postfix (or whatever MTA) with SPF, DKIM and DMARC enabled, the majority of your mail will not be blocked as spam. One thing to note is that if you put any URL's in your outbound messages, those messages will get checked by Google's filters and if there is an Email Address type form variable in the form, it will get flagged as suspicious. So, just avoid doing speficially that. Also make sure that your MTA (Postfix) is sending out using Smtp-Auth enabled, as this is other thing Gmail requires. You will notice a high percentage of mail delivery at that point.

Comment sounds like a DOL complaint and lawsuit (Score 1) 117

If someone is on the clock for 40 hours in a work week and you only pay them for 30, this is a standard complaint handled by Department of Labor. This can quickly turn into a class-action lawsuit filed by all Amazon workers. They should probably quit this practice while they are ahead.

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