Comment Re:Australian Observer (Score 1) 618
Perhaps your disconnect is that it is not true. It's simply not. The American culture is, if anything, enormously compassionate. Giving is a virtue embraced at all levels whether it's social, economic, religious, age, whatever. This 'every man for himself' culture is a fantasy, probably from someone that feels guilty about being American and the standard of living Americans enjoy (believe me, there's a lot of that going on here). Nobody goes hungry here without significant personal effort, food kitchens abound, WIC, food stamps, and half a dozen other programs at state and federal levels exist. Medical care is free if you just go to the ER and wait for treatment, you only pay what you can afford and if that amount is nothing then you pay nothing (been that way for decades).
Where we may be slipping is mental treatment. In a nation of 300 million, you got some crazies that need help and no amount of handouts, whether it's money, food. or housing, is going to get them off the street.