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Comment Hoax? (Score 1) 2

I realise I'm effectively double posting. I see there are a lot of things on further thought in this that are really questionable... I'll start with "a pulse of light can even have a group velocity which is greater than the speed of light". How many other things could be picked at?

Submission + - Radical new Space drive (wired.co.uk) 2

Noctis-Kaban writes: Scientists in China have built and tested a radical new space drive. Although the thrust it produces may not be enough to lift your mobile phone, it looks like it could radically change the satellite industry. Satellites are just the start: with superconducting components, this technology could generate the thrust to drive everything from deep space probes to flying cars. And it all started with a British engineer whose invention was ignored and ridiculed in his home country.

Comment How far is fair to go? (Score 0) 1591

I understand there are bears and all sorts of other dangerous animals in usa requiring people to have rifles. But I still think they can go further, I would say 5rd clips is fair on rifles, make anything that can be considered a rifle single shot only. I.e. hand reloaded, bolt action whatever. 6rds for a pistol is pleanty too. Anything more than that should be police issue, firearms officers etc. All guns must only be accessible by licenced fire-arms owners.

I fully believe they (the US governments) shouldn’t be asking how far they should go, but how far is far enough.

Comment The safe zone. Lets stay there. (Score 1) 134

I’ve been a hard-core gamer since I was 12. In the last few years I have virtually stopped gaming. Why? I’m bored because all the big developers that produce the best quality games have just been selecting from a pool of idea’s that worked before and replicating. There are few places that differ from this. Eve online I think is one, but it’s been doing it’s thing for years. Companies take so long to produce a working game that they stick only to what they know, sitting comfortable in the boundary of what they know. Skyrim is just oblivion, for oblivion see morrow wind. Wow hasn’t changed much since the start, apart from you need to grind for longer. Battlefield, call of duty all the others are doing the same thing they have been doing since the start. Deus ex hasn’t improved since the first one, only the detail, to get the different endings you had an option of buttons, there was no divergence in the story, making choices along the way.

The only thing that gives me any hope is kick starter, maybe there will be a couple of revamps or new games that want to do something different(minor contradiction there), maybe one or two will achieve something before they implode in on themselves.

Comment Squats in the stairwell (Score 1) 1

Honestly there is a lot you can do If you don’t mind people looking at you weird. Honestly though, I doubt you will. Best thing is to get up and wander around a lot. My boss used to pick up a random sheet of paper and wander around the office with it just so he looked like he was busy and not just wandering about. Best thing to do? If someone needs help shifting something, jump up and help, otherwise: Take up a martial art, go practice after work or on lunch in a park. Go to the gym before and or after work.

Comment High precision controllers (Score 3, Insightful) 218

Trust valve to be the first to be putting thought into this. If it’s truly a steam based console, I expect console players to be mixed in with pc players online. If that minor leap of gestimation is correct, they will need high precision controllers to stand any chance of not getting destroyed by much more proficient and accurate pc gamers with keyboards and mice. I will look forward to seeing how this developes.

Comment Best space game (Score 1) 113

It was the best space game, particularly for its time. I just wish it wasn't so dated, If they do even a half decent job at capturing the original and maybe putting in a half-decent story then I'll be more than happy to throw my money at them. I firmly believe though, that they should shun multiplayer until they have at least developed the graphics engine. I would much prefer to see an GREAT single player space game like freelancer than something that turns out more like Eve (says the guy with two eve accounts).

Submission + - UK ISPs to block more file-sharing websites (bbc.co.uk)

another random user writes: The UK's major internet service providers have been asked to block three more file-sharing websites

The BPI (British Phonographic Industry), which acts on behalf of rights holders, wants ISPs to prevent access to Fenopy, H33t and Kickass Torrents.

The BPI alleges that the sites are illegally distributing music. The ISPs told the BBC they would comply with the new demand, but only if a court order is put in place.

It follows a separate court order in April which saw popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay blocked in the UK.

The biggest ISP, BT, said it was also "currently considering" its options. The letter, which was not intended to go public, was sent to six ISPs last week, namely BT, Sky, Virgin Media, O2, EE and TalkTalk.

It is understood that the BPI is hoping all three sites will be blocked before Christmas — far more quickly than the process has taken previously.

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