I’ve been a hard-core gamer since I was 12. In the last few years I have virtually stopped gaming. Why? I’m bored because all the big developers that produce the best quality games have just been selecting from a pool of idea’s that worked before and replicating. There are few places that differ from this. Eve online I think is one, but it’s been doing it’s thing for years. Companies take so long to produce a working game that they stick only to what they know, sitting comfortable in the boundary of what they know. Skyrim is just oblivion, for oblivion see morrow wind. Wow hasn’t changed much since the start, apart from you need to grind for longer. Battlefield, call of duty all the others are doing the same thing they have been doing since the start. Deus ex hasn’t improved since the first one, only the detail, to get the different endings you had an option of buttons, there was no divergence in the story, making choices along the way.
The only thing that gives me any hope is kick starter, maybe there will be a couple of revamps or new games that want to do something different(minor contradiction there), maybe one or two will achieve something before they implode in on themselves.