Journal Journal: I've moved on!/
That's me now.!/
That's me now.
Since my site is down for the summer, and I'm too cash-strapped to get real web hosting, and since this space is free, I'm just going to dump all my website traffic here for the summer.
Here's the basic story: I'm home for the summer and can't serve the site. I may work something out for the short-term soon; I may not. In the meantime, this is a status page. Until late August, this is probably what you'll be seeing. I apologize for having to take all the other crap offline, but there's not much I can do. Please bear with me for a while.
Rest assured that the NintenDoctor will return. Anachronistic Games will return. Just not for a little while.
And while I'm at it, TetroStack is coming along decently.
TetroSquare is a game modeled after Tetrisphere for the N64. Download it now.
Many people write memos to tell you they have nothing to say.