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User Journal

Journal Journal: In lieu of a real site...

Since my site is down for the summer, and I'm too cash-strapped to get real web hosting, and since this space is free, I'm just going to dump all my website traffic here for the summer.

Here's the basic story: I'm home for the summer and can't serve the site. I may work something out for the short-term soon; I may not. In the meantime, this is a status page. Until late August, this is probably what you'll be seeing. I apologize for having to take all the other crap offline, but there's not much I can do. Please bear with me for a while.

Rest assured that the NintenDoctor will return. Anachronistic Games will return. Just not for a little while.

And while I'm at it, TetroStack is coming along decently.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So...

I like shameless plugs, and I'd rather blog on my own site than this one, so...

Go here if you're truly interested.

Go here if you like funny things.

Go here if you'd like some free-beer games.

Go here if you don't really care.

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Many people write memos to tell you they have nothing to say.
