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Comment Re:Do you know what this means for gaming? (Score 1) 386

Grinding MMORPGs is not the half of it. I recall that the most popular game in Korea is Kart Rider, playerbase 6 million(of a country of 24 million). Obviously a racing game. There are some extremely popular FPSes, including CS2 and a Korean game named SuddenAttack. I'm just telling you that MMOFPS's are quite viable over there. For a combination of grinding and FPS, see Gun.
Red Hat Software

Airbus 380 To Have Linux In Every Seat 332

jpatokal writes "Singapore Airlines will be rolling out the A380 superjumbo on October 26th, and a surprise awaits in the seat of every passenger: their personal Linux PC, running Red Hat. In addition to running the in-flight entertainment, passengers can also use a full copy of StarOffice, and there's a USB slot for importing/exporting documents or plugging in your own keyboard/mouse. Screen size is 10.6" (1280x768) in economy, 15.4" in business and a whopping 23" in first class (along with free noise-canceling headphones). The system is already available on current B777-300ER planes and will also be outfitted on the upcoming B787 Dreamliners."

Submission + - Google snaps up stats tool from Swedish charity

paulraps writes: What began as a teaching aid in a university lecture has just been bought by Google for an undisclosed sum. The statistics tool, Trendalyzer, was developed by a professor at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute and his son. Unfortunately for the developers, the project has been run under the auspices of a charity, Gapminder, and financed over the last seven years by public money. Maybe that seemed smart at the time, but the professor, admitting that he won't see a dime of Google's cash, now seems regretful.

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