Comment Re:55 miles is pretty good, and not the point (Score 1) 369
If you're circuit racing and can't afford to compete - the situation these tests involve - maybe you shouldn't be there.
If you're circuit racing and can't afford to compete - the situation these tests involve - maybe you shouldn't be there.
How isn't it deceptive?
It's as bullshit as when they 'helped' the alkali metal reactions in Brainiac by adding explosives. For a review show to present what they expect to happen as fact, without bothering to test what actually happens is worthless and deceptive. Why have a test track at all, if you're just going to recite numbers out of a spreadsheet for your results?
And the number of users who will bother with that can be counted on one hand.
So he's hiring people that think outside the box by not hiring people that think outside of his box.
The guy is just a moron who has no idea what he's talking about.
Working for this moron would be a pretty bad choice, so I think that would be a plus.
That you think it is a single point of failure is another reason not to hire you. realize C# is
It is pretty safe to say that not a single one of the all veteran and highly experienced shuttle crew would want to freely associate with you.
It's going to make it pretty hard for the rest of the crew to get down when there are no spacecraft there after the shuttle crew takes them all.
Don't bring facts into this.
Yet, all your examples are exactly that. You have a choice of which car you want to buy, but you don't get to individually pick all of it's components unless you get something custom built.
Wasn't there a Sci-Fi TV series (or at least a pilot) about something like this?
That's an even worse idea. You might be able to keep a shuttle up there if you just shut everything down and let the rest of the ISS take care of power and oxygen, but if you want to keep it capable of flying again there is no way it can stay up there for more than a couple weeks.
It's also hard to fit 6 people in a three person soyuz.
Avoid strange women and temporary variables.