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Comment Re:Not Evil? (Score 1) 162

Please, next time, don't expect someone who's responding to you to go back and perform a check on every single other comment you've ever left in order to ensure that you're being sarcastic.

The tone was very much in line with many other comments - nothing to set it apart.

Other than your history, of which I know nothing, as there are far too many people registered on /. for me to remember who's who (except for people I actually know, and they consitute a very small portion of the readership).

If "way too many Slashdotters take [you] too seriously," then consider that the problem isn't in their lack of DD - it's your presumption that we've all either read your earlier works, or research every /. member before responding.

If there were only a few dozen people here, that'd make a little sense.

With how many people there are, though, it's ridiculous to assume that we all know who you are.

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