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Comment Re:Absolute Silliness (Score 1) 199

I'm well aware of the need and difficulty involved in recycling electronics, but simply put, I don't want to pay for it. Yes, I'm being hideously selfish, I just want my government to handle it with all the money it is already sucking away from me.

I hate what's being currently done, (shipping it overseas... nasty stuff.) but I don't think an additional tax is going to help. They'll add a new tax, but they'll keep up the practice of shipping things overseas because it will still be cheaper and easier for them. They'll be congratulated for their efficient use of funds, and all that tax money will go into a nice raise for whoever brainstormed this.
User Journal

Journal SPAM: Hugging

Hugging is common way of greetings in Western culture. But this way is not common in Japan. If we try to hug a woman before we leave, she will reject strongly. If we do this between men, others will consider we are gay.

I think it's because the land of our country is so narrow so we've learned to keep some distance from each other in natural way from ancient times.

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