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Your Browser History Is Showing 174

tiffanydanica writes "For a lot of us our browser history is something we consider private, or at least not something we want to expose to every website we visit. Web2.0collage is showing just how easy it is (with code!) for sites to determine what sites you visit. When you visit the site it sniffs your browser history, and creates a collage of the (safe for work) sites that you visit. It is an interesting application of potentially scary technology (imagine a job application site using this to screen candidates). You can jump right into having your history sniffed if you so desire. While the collages are cool on their own merit, they also serve as an illustration of the privacy implications of browser history sniffing."

Comment Re:missing option (Score 1) 388

I'd hope the potential employer you wind up working for is smart enough to realize that more than one person can exist with the same sequence of names. Presumably an employer should be primarily gauging how good of a fit you would make in that specific role. Not sure how crazy this dude is, but if it's not going to come up at the workplace AND it's not going to cost his money through PR or litigation, is this really an issue assuming my first sentence?
Operating Systems

QNX "Opens" Source Code 232

Arista writes "QNX has announced that effective immediately, the company will open the source code to its QNX embedded, RTOS, microkernel operating system. From the press release: "Effective immediately, QNX will make source code for its award-winning, microkernel-based OS available for free download. The first source release includes the code to the QNX Neutrino microkernel, the base C library, and a variety of board support packages for popular embedded and computing hardware." OSNews features an interview with the CEO of QNX, Dan Dodge, on this announcement."

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