Comment Very 1984 (Score 1) 424
*Sigh* I haven't been on Slashdot in a couple of years. This is a perfect example of why I lost interest: What used to be a site with a broad range of opinions, often challenging the hypothesis of the articles presented, is now championing the supposed "fact-checkers" whose primary purpose is censorship, not some altruistic goal of educating the gullible or the extremists. But no, most of the comments are preaching to the choir. "Right bad/stupid, left good/smart."
This study is circular logic. If those in power decide what is misinformation, and use that as an excuse to censor, then of course the biggest source of supposed misinformation is going to be whatever poses the greatest threat to the current power. Just because you generated your "proof" through two or three different layers of private companies doesn't mean it is independent. And slashdot has clearly taken their 30 pieces of silver too.