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Comment Re:Go home msmash (Score 1) 54

They's the worst. Can someone do a quick screen scrape and count how many times the various editors provide a story that was suggested by a reader. msmash just seems to post whatever CNN has as it's headline at the moment. Maybe it's a quota thing, and no-one likes them, so they are completely on their own. But it's crap. Completely phoning it in from day one.

Comment Slashdot, take note! (Score 1) 55

I think you've nailed Slashdot's new catch-phrase! Used to be:

"News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters"

Now, I think the leading candidate is:

"Really bad science communication"
I hope that Hemos and CmdrTaco are spinning in their graves. It is amazing how much Slashdot has deteriorated over the last decade or so. But it's not choosing the buck the trend! Viva Slashdot!

Comment Two words: rural delivery (Score 1) 209

If you are living in the middle of BFE, and the USPS is required to be able to deliver you mail, and they have no charging station except perhaps at the post office, if they are that lucky, then how can that service of mail be reliably provided? These places don't even have broadband internet, but they are supposed to have all the infrastructure to handle this? Don't put the cart before the horse, kids.

Comment Re:What's in it for him? (Score 0) 288

So, relate this back to me as an immigration problem, albeit internal to the US? California is arguably the 5th largest economy in the world. They can't handle it? If the US were to turn back a bunch of "refugees", would you stand up a cheer? Turn them back, *and* make their source country pay their fair share? If California can't handle it, how would any other states be able to handle this sort of "immigration"? I'm just surprised to see this sort of anti-immigration sentiment getting upvoted on Slashdot.

Comment What about the rest of the vehicle? (Score 2) 131

Hey air- and space-craft guys, teach me. One hears about the Chinese rocket burning up on re-entry. What would it be like flying through our atmosphere at Mach 17? Would we require extra- or special-cladding? Extra weight and all that? What are all the real-world requirements to make this reasonable for human flight, or are we just going to be doing drones with this? Of course, TL;DR. Thanks!

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