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Comment Re:I've stopped paying any attention to this shit (Score 2) 282

The scientists doing this research are quite serious, and are actually trying to get rid of the speculation. Sea level is a thing around here and has to be managed, no matter what the causes are of variations. One interesting line from the abstract is for instance: "We find that the initiation of increases in GrIS melting closely follow the onset of industrial-era Arctic warming in the mid-1800s, but that the magnitude of GrIS melting has only recently emerged beyond the range of natural variability". Probably not something that a Guardian journalist would pick up.
I also noticed that, although I paid for this research, Nature wants to charge me for seeing its results.

Comment Re:Open access?!? (Score 3, Insightful) 65

I will give one good argument for your 'should'. Quoting from the last Nature Reviews paper in the list above:
Research in P.J.M.'s laboratory has been supported over the years by the Swiss National Science Foundation, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST; Saudi Arabia), the University of Lausanne (UNIL; Switzerland), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL; Switzerland), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV; Switzerland), the National Centre for Competence in Research (NCCR) Synapsy and the Préfargier Foundation
Clearly Nature is paywalling, at least partially, publicly funded research results.

Comment Re:Research Paper Needed (Score 1) 51

Normally the CASP proceedings appear more than a year after the meeting. There is some info on their own website:
An interesting question is the claim that they generate shapes ab initio, but using a neural network. I wonder how much the network has been trained to recognize existing (evolutionary dependent) protein families and their patterns vs. a new random sequence folder. The former may be just as useful in practice but may teach us a bit less about the mechanics of folding.
Looking forward to the publication.

Comment Re:Wind and solar? That's a joke right? (Score 1) 387

The way to deliver solar power when and where you need it is the real problem, but at 50% nuclear they may actually have a better solution than many other countries.
Btw. Mainland France has between 1500 and 2800 hours of sun per year (4 to 8 per day). So 3 to 5 hours is a conservative estimate based on insolation.
Efficiency of the panels will drop by rougly 1% per year over 20 years.
For windmills the issues are similar, but they may actually help a little (more wind on cloudy days).

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