"We do breach investigations a lot of times. If a fraudster is saying they're selling my client's stolen documents, the only way to make sure they have what they say they have is to buy those documents"
According to Troia, Coinbase "did not like that at all"
Coinbase then asked the IT expert whether he had a letter from the Department of Justice giving him permission to do those things. No, Troia said. Upon further research, Troia has not found that any such permission exists
But, "I have my clients authorizing me to do this," he said
Coinbase sent Troia back an email explaining that those actions were against the exchange's rules and shut down his account. Troia then tried setting up an account with his wife's information, but that too was shut down. Then he tried his brother. Shut down. Then his mother. Shut down
"My entire family is blocked from Coinbase," he said
Link to Original Source
How do they count people as "racist" exactly? If I say "he is Japanese" is that counted? Now change Japanese to any Race/Ethnicity/Religion that you like. Is that counted as a "racist"?
... and who can really claim that s/he is NOT selfish?
Biggest problem is everyone focusing on what is happening but forget that we, the netizens, have the power to affect the future of the Net
Without us, internet is just a shell with no participants
If we can build world-wide network, from BBS-era's Fidonet, to the Net, all by ourselves, without FB or MS or Apple or NYT creating walled gardens, we can, and we must do it again!
Weak and wobbly.
It's worse than that She neglected her responsibility as the home minister to protect the hundreds of underage girls from sexual abuses, and in fact, she is criminally negligence !
I only hand my wallet over to my wife
I don't want to intrude on your lifestyle, but maybe you should let her have her own wallet?
Since she tells me she is the better half, she get the privilege to use both her wallet, and mine
"They want Google to treat their articles equally in search rankings, despite being behind a paywall"
When I Google I look for article(s) that I can read, not articles that I have to hand over my wallet in order to read
I only hand my wallet over to my wife
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.