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Comment It's not only the cloud (Score 1) 165

Real reason behind the decline in Indian IT jobs is because of the way they are operating - leeching away good paying jobs from other countries

Leeching is never a good way to survive, as the leeches have to find a host to attach to and leech

Instead of developing that own IT fields, like USA did, like Europe followed afterwards, like what happened in Singapore or Korea or Japan or even in China - those countries did all kinds of incubators helping creative youngsters to further develop their ideas into fruition - India simply sit there expecting to leech from the Western nations, year after year

Submission + - SPAM: We don't want your Bitcoins

Mosquito Bites writes: White hat hackers, it seems, are being stripped of their accounts on Coinbase

Less than a year ago, Vinny Troia, CEO and principal security consultant of Night Lion Security and a certified white hat hacker, was sent a compliance form by US bitcoin exchange Coinbase, where he had an account

Coinbase wanted to know how Troia was using bitcoin and his account

"I told them I run a security firm. I pay for ransoms and buy documents on the dark web when clients request it"

The ransoms Troia helps his clients pay are those stemming from ransomware attacks, which have surged in number over the past few years. Many, like the well-publicized WannaCry attack, are asking for bitcoin. And the documents?

"We do breach investigations a lot of times. If a fraudster is saying they're selling my client's stolen documents, the only way to make sure they have what they say they have is to buy those documents"

According to Troia, Coinbase "did not like that at all"

Coinbase then asked the IT expert whether he had a letter from the Department of Justice giving him permission to do those things. No, Troia said. Upon further research, Troia has not found that any such permission exists

But, "I have my clients authorizing me to do this," he said

Coinbase sent Troia back an email explaining that those actions were against the exchange's rules and shut down his account. Troia then tried setting up an account with his wife's information, but that too was shut down. Then he tried his brother. Shut down. Then his mother. Shut down

"My entire family is blocked from Coinbase," he said

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Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 189

" ... focus too much on what might happen, instead of what is happening ... "

Biggest problem is everyone focusing on what is happening but forget that we, the netizens, have the power to affect the future of the Net

Without us, internet is just a shell with no participants

If we can build world-wide network, from BBS-era's Fidonet, to the Net, all by ourselves, without FB or MS or Apple or NYT creating walled gardens, we can, and we must do it again!

Submission + - SPAM: Data extracted from cellphones of dozens of Inauguration Day arrestees

Mosquito Bites writes: Cellphones seized from more than 100 individuals arrested during President Trump’s inauguration are being scoured for criminal evidence, prosecutors said Wednesday

Police arrested approximately 230 protesters in downtown D.C. during Mr. Trump’s inauguration on January 20, and a grand jury has since returned an indictment charging 214 of them with felony rioting

“On the day of the arrests, the government recovered cell phones from more than 100 indicted defendants and other un-indicted arrested in connection with this matter,” U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips wrote in Wednesday’s filing. “The government is in the process of extracting data from the Rioter Cell Phones pursuant to lawfully issued search warrants, and expects to be in a position to produce all of the data from the searchers Rioter Cell Phones in the next several weeks”

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