Comment Re:Tax axiom 0: no such thing as corporate tax. (Score 1) 305
if that 10th programmer wasn't pulling his weight, then why was he still employed?
if that 10th programmer wasn't pulling his weight, then why was he still employed?
You nerds sure get hyped up over 59 spam messages a day. That really isn't that much when you think about the whole internet.
Wait... you mean that wasn't hex?
I've had my browser cookies turned off for 8 years. I only use cash to make purchases. I don't even use the bathroom in my house because I'm worried THEY are watching what I'm eating. Sure my basement is filled with mason jars filled with crap, but it isn't as difficult as you might think. You also get used to the smell after a while. It is a small price to pay to not have the government know what I'm eating/drinking.
No, it is you who still don't get it.
Yes, you have to code differently for the google app engine. Code deployed on other app servers will most likely not be ready to compile directly to the GAE.
Code on the GAE however would easily be ported to other servers... See how this is different? You would have to create your tables and set up your configuration settings.
The thing you don't seem to understand is that if you write an app for the app engine it can be ported to another container. This is a true statement.
Something written on another container is not able to be easily moved to google. This also is true of a subset. All things in the app engine are a part of the java spec.
Not all things in the java spec are available in the google app engine. This isn't a difficult concept. It isn't creating lock-in to make it hard to move to the app-engine but easy to leave.
Your theory falls flat when you hit point #2
The following packages do not exist.*
If, in the future, google does add those libraries, I would fully expect them to be opensourced.
How does using a subset of java 'Lock you in' to google? You can take that implementation and go anywhere that has the full version of java available and install your app there. It will work with some configuration changes.
My guess is Google doesn't allow you to play with threads for performance reasons. The file i.o. is because of the system architecture. You need to write to a filesystem, you have to write to memcache.
As someone who is looking to write an app on the engine, some of their stuff bothers me, but I get why they're doing it. If I ever want to take my ball and go elsewhere, I will always have that ability.
I like this summary because windows is bad and the summary finds something bad to say about windows.
Linux is not easy for new people to jump into. Wireless network cards are still a problem. Drivers still are hard to come by, and if I want to download a program and install it, it is not intuitive like it is in windows.
Your a idiot.
Hoover tried protectionism. Look up the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. It wasn't increased spending... it was protectionism and the dustbowl that made the Global recession so bad.
Next step, salt water taffy farms.
Yes it is.
Since this is from the CATO institute, I will just go ahead and assume all their conclusions are bullshit.
Exactly how much are you drinking that it takes a week for your hangover to go away?
Kudos to you sir.
This sounds like a process that could be done mentally, meaning it involves no technology of any kind. Just recently these types of patents were ruled to be unpatentable, so my guess is this is not a patentable process
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen