Comment Who cares...? (Score 1) 71
Facebook is this generation's AOL.
And that is a correct answer.
Facebook is this generation's AOL.
And that is a correct answer.
...just SLIGHTLY a bomb...?
Be inert. The world needs all the nerts it can get.
What could possibly go wrong?!?
*Looking for the keys to my HK-Aerial bazooka*
... it's NOT A BUSINESS. Recycling is a PUBLIC SERVICE. As soon as you bring BUSINESS into it, you begin the race to the bottom, and then there's no GOOD being done; only scavenging for the most profitable low-lying fruit.
Outside of America, there still are a FEW PLACES where "business" takes second place to "The greater good", and government still serves the latter. Shockingly, their recycling projects actually FUCKING WORK. There is nothing wrong with Recycling except the fact that we expect it to be for-profit.
Fuck the article, fuck the asshat who wrote it, and fuck that "sustainability expert" who by his own declaration is part of the fucking problem, not the solution.
~ Sick of everything being reduced to the LCD ~
... They're not the establishment White Hats holding everyone back, and they're not the anarchist black-hats trying to tear it all down; they're the guys with the knowledge to be either but instead choose to make stuff that JUST PLAIN WORKS, and stuff done out in the open, plain and simple for everyone to see. Red-hat MAN is the symbol of that, not the hat itself you fuckwits.
Just because the general public is fucking imbeciles who don't know software from their own soft skulls is a shite reason to piss all over the symbol of that progressive concept. The whole point of choosing Red-hat MAN as a symbol was "It's not the hat that matters, it's the man under the hat. Fuck the imbeciles who don't get the point. They're not your customers anyways."
~ Just another casualty of the race to the bottom... ~
The ignorance demonstrated in that statement is staggering in both breadth and depth.
Thanks for reaffirming my lack of faith in humanity.
The Waltons saying "Pay Your Taxes!" after they bought and paid for the Tax Heist of '17 is hardly "higher ground"...
Can you hear me rolling my eyes all the way over there?
and a half.
... and we think this is somehow a wonderful thing. *SMH*
"Clean Coal" is, and always has been, a fucking lie.
As long as she has her Party Cannon, everything will be okay.
What could possibly go wrong?!?
I know; Ifni bless Ron Howard, he did what he did out of love for the franchise, just like Hamill schlepping to every freaking con for decades and coming up with witty and unique signatures for kids (of all ages) over and over again... there in the mid-90s, he and Mayhew and Prowse pretty much carried the franchise hand-over-hand to a new generation.
Without them, it would've died then and there.
Then to have it all dumped in the Mickey Mouse Blender... *Triple facepalm*
I read a couple years ago that Jackson bought the rights to the Temeraire series; now THAT has epic potential. Napoleonic wars, only with dragons in the Navy. AS the Navy.
If we save the whales, where will we keep them?
There was SOME hope...
It's funny, because all my young life I was waiting for them to finish the fucking story, and now it's finally happening, they've gone and fucked it all up. The first trilogy took too long to happen... 3 years between releases meant aging actors in the last one, and the production timetable was split between my generation and the next, so customer base was fragmented. Then Lucas understandably wanted to take a break, yeah... but 16 years?
Then 1, 2 & 3, after introducing one of the most universally despised sidekicks of movie history, pretty much reduced the origins of the greatest villain of modern times to a fucking tantrum thrown by a whiny, angsty teenager. I cannot facepalm hard enough here.
Add to that the the Great RetCon Scandal and by the time I was an adult, I just wanted to punch Lucas in the dick and have the mantle pass to pretty much anybody else, just so long as stuff got MADE in some sort of regular timetable, hoping they might get around to finishing "The story of a guy, a girl, and a galaxy!" before everybody was fucking dead. Well, it ALMOST happened. *More facepalm*
I enjoyed Solo more than 1, 2 and 3... and I was actually looking forward to the Boba Fett & Chewbacca backstories. THOSE are perfect fodder for the Disney treatment. The Clone Wars toon series was probably the truest to the original property except maybe Rogue One; I was so happy to be able to get my son hooked on them (and yeah, I enjoy the hell out of them too) but then Disney borked that in favor of Rebels rather than having sense enough to finish the origin story of Darth Vader in the inevitable, much more realistic story arc that had just reached apogee.
I TRIED... WE tried... but Rebels is just too... pablum. Even my 11-year-old son can't stomach more than an episode or two at a time.
Then instead of Disney LEARNING from the core mistakes of the 2nd trilogy... what did they do? Instead of coming up with any kind of NEW villain, or even somehow resurrecting Vader (Clone Wars and Ep 3 both gave them canon that could have made that possible... improbable, yes, irritating, yes... but would still have been BETTER) they double down on the "whiny angsty teenager" formula with an actor almost as ill-equipped for the role as Portman was for hers.
When I heard that Alan Dean Foster was involved in 7, I was actually hopeful... he was responsible for so many of of the magical moments of the original three scripts, I hoped somebody might have actually had the common sense to get him involved in the screenplay. Alas, it is clear after seeing the scripts... very little of his work found its way to the actual movies and they ONLY brought him in for the novelization.
So YES... We had HOPE. Just like Leia had at the end of Rogue One. But unless they pull some unbelievable Terminator 2 type ultimate badassery out of their asses with Episode 9, I expect it will be a false hope.
Many Bothans died... err... electrons were terribly inconvenienced... to bring us this information.
... I love and maintain my grandmother's old Studebaker.
Analog still has a place in the digital world
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.