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Comment Re:Kind of gross no matter which side is right (Score 1) 90

Having the understanding of the subject that you do; (which most people don't - see "Robert Sapolsky Dopamine". I think the simple answer is an ESRB type rating. (Contains content that is psychologically reinforcing content), or something of the like.

It is NOT news that some games have done these, 'random' loot box things, and 'free 2 play, but pay for perks'...

Video gaming used to be a wonderful adventure into a realm of imagination. It still largely is and hopefully will continue to be. And if the game was truly worth it's salt; you could learn how to modify the game and be encouraged to. Predatory exploitation HAS been introduced into games to maximize profit, and it, along with everything else like it, elsewhere, in the gaming industry or not, is in poor taste to say the least. But, it's not just video games doing this.

I think it's a case of both the fault of the parents and the organizations. Look at the average persons life... Microsoft thrives because many business continue to depend on them. Google thrives because they know the best way to market to you. Facebook also knows how to market to you. And Amazon can get you whatever you want within a few days after some pointing and clicking. We are habituated to microsoft. We can't navigate the internet without google. We can't communicate with our loved ones and friends without facebook. And we can't find the products we need at the cheapest price and best convenience without Amazon. And I couldn't not mention how apple enforces loyalty to apple.

The cult of Apple, the necessity of Microsoft, the map of the internet google, the map of our social life facebook, and the purveyor of goods and peddler of remote computing, among other things...

These games and the affect they may be having on youngsters who play them, are at the least a mirror image of the lives we have created for ourselves. These companies didn't get rich by themselves. We all bought it and paid for it. We continue to pay for it. Buyer beware?

Comment Holy sh*t. All published math is wrong? (Score 2) 123

Oh, turns out that's not true. Only all Vice headlines are wrong. Some is PAYING real world money and employing the person who wrote this headline! Wonderful... Only thing I can think of that would be worse is if it was an intern who wrote the damn thing and an actual employee, 'corrected', them on choice of headline...

Comment The Earth and the Moon spin... (Score 1) 161 I missing something? Even if the moon doesn't spin, it orbits the earth. So, wouldn't any stationary elevator like object would be pointing away from the earth for extended periods of time...? We are talking about spinning spheres orbiting things in space!? Maybe an elevator to space on both spheres and then some form of travel to bridge the gap. Other than that, I don't get it.

Comment NEWS FLASH! (Score 2) 94

The Galactic Empire has just received the winner of the Han Solo award for the Rebel Alliance for a talk on rebel values and principles!

The Galactic Empire's research department as directed by the admirals the Galactic Empire are looking for ways to, 'improve their image', and get, 'pointers', on how to better communicate and understand the rebel's aims, goals, and desires. We asked one rebel fighter his thoughts...

"Well, It's never really sit right with me that the Galactic Empire wants to rule the Galaxy. In my youth and early adult-hood, I always just thought, this is the way things are. Later, I followed up on some hints and suggestions contrary to the status quo. I tuned in and their message really spoke to me. I haven't been on the front lines, so to speak; but, as I delved into the history of how things came to be, it was really astonishing that the trade federation didn't see it coming. As for me, I just try to keep my head low. Some are saying things are going to get better and that the Galactic Empire has changed. They say the Emperor isn't really so bad when you get to know him and that the Galactic Empire wants what's best for everyone. We'll see, I suppose. I have my reservations, myself. I see no democracy in the kingdom"

In other news, the spice miners on Kessel have realized that organized labor unions are just greedy and are trying to get their cut for nothing. Forced labor is actually a sign of healthy employment and a burgeoning economy. The mining continues.

and now back to Gorb with politics...


Comment Re:Another Boondogle (Score 1) 44

You're not cynical. These mother f*ckers will NOT stop until they have it ALL. Period. The future to them is where the customer no longer even owns a computer. You will be able to buy what is, 'technically,' a computer; but, you won't be able to do ANY computing on it, at all, unless it is signed and encrypted data. Every thing people, 'rely,' on and, 'need,' will be nothing more than a client that is configured to ONLY work under the circumstances they dictate. Google has already started with their, 'G**gle St*dia,' game streaming device. I don't even want to get into that heaping pile of horse sh*t. In fact, horse sh*t is better than that. At least horse sh*t has some very viable and valuable uses; if as nothing more than fertilizer.

The internet is littered with stories from people who have, 'worked in the industry,' only just long enough to get out in one piece and tell the tales of the horrors they were getting paid to commit. People never learn. By the time they get out and tell their story, a fresh batch of none-the-wiser youths wash in like the tide to fill the vacuum that has been left behind.

The only good news about this is that, they are afraid, and are organizing to do something about it, and have been, to varying degrees, for some time. They will probably win. Contrary to Holly Wood cinematic tales, it does seem that evil usually wins in the end. However, once you've learned to drive an entire buffalo heard off a cliff as a hunting strategy...

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