Comment Synology NAS. (Score 1) 168
Try a Synology NAS.
It does everything you are asking about. EVERYTHING.
Try a Synology NAS.
It does everything you are asking about. EVERYTHING.
Bill Gates has done more good for this world since he stepped down as the business leader of Microsoft then any of us will ever manage to do. As a business man he was decisive, aggressive and focused. He was arguably the best at what he did. As a philanthropist he appears to be doing the same thing.
It would have been easy for him to sit back with his riches and let them pile up and do nothing. But no, he does the hard thing. He tries to help the world be a better place, he tries to help the human race as a whole and you guys just continue shitting all over him for it.
Fuck Slashdot. I cannot even count how many years I have been here and you fucks have ruined it. Back in the day there would have been some conversation of this but it would not have turned into the circle jerk of wannabes waving their nerd peens.
Do away with the paper record. Record information on tablets with hand crank power or solar power if needed. Use wireless networking to tie the sites together. Keep information centrally. If the power is out and I mean truly out you can fall back on paper forms until the information can be updated into the system.
Paper is going to do nothing but hurt the implementation.
Then embrace your inner nerd. Setup on non standard ports or via VPN with a VPS server as a front end, reverse proxy even. Then you do all sorts of port redirection etc. Providers blocking stuff like this is just a challenge.
Fucking i-Tards.
Microsoft has turned their social marketing dept up to 11 on this release. They even did a Reddit AMA and gamed the shit out of it with hundreds of accounts only a month or two old. They are spending money to try and emulate the Apple fan-atacism that has worked so well for Apple.
Slackware -> Red Hat -> Debian -> Gentoo -> Debian -> Arch and I am stuck on Arch...
Start with Deepthroat Nine and work your way down. Then up. Then down...
Its not me I am concerned about getting installed. Its Joe Blow who just bought the machine and wants to try this Linux thing out. People make up their minds very quickly when dealing with new concepts. Microsoft knows this.
Too bad they have locked down their hardware vendors with UEFI certs etc and it will be a giant pain in the ass for a user to install Linux.
Does anyone else get horrible crippling motion sickness riding as a passenger in a car?
This would not work for me.
Am I the only one that thinks the porn studios are going to be all over this?
I am degree-less. I have been in the IT industry for 16 years now. I am a sr-System Administrator and I have hit the ceiling of what I can make in this position with my education. In retrospect I should have spent the 4-6 years when I was younger to go to school and pick up an IT related degree. My life would have been much easier had I done so and I would not have had to spend so much time proving myself capable. The piece of paper not only serves as a ticket into the industry but also serves as lubrication moving forward.
Speaking from experience there is no worse feeling then having a new fresh out of school graduate with no practical knowledge join your company and make as much or more then you. There is no worse feeling then being over looked by a member of HR only to be told outside the hiring process that the only reason you lost the position was that an applicant with a university degree and not even a 10th your experience got the position because the HR person believes that "If I had to spend 4 years in university to get a job everyone else has to as well".
I make a really good wage and I have a great job, but I live in fear of moving to a new position or being forced to find a new position as the ability to get my foot in the door is always uncertain.
At 37 years old and 16 years in, I am considering going back to school to pick up a piece of paper that states I am capable of learning to do what I have been doing for the last 16 years. So yeah, take the time now to do it, not when you have a family to support and obligations that make it infinity more difficult.
The small amount of research I just did on the zenithink c71, indicates that they have a very very high failure rate. Something like that could easily douse this spark before it ignites.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith