Comment It's life ... (Score 4, Funny) 64
Jim but not as we know it.
Jim but not as we know it.
That Sprint still exists
Yeah but it's not like losing tubmlr would harm anything
So now Ubuntu's lawyers don't read their own legal policy . I looked into it when I wrote a blog post about Canonical going bankrupt eventually.
"You can use the Trademarks in discussion, commentary, criticism or parody, provided that you do not imply endorsement by Canonical."
So not only is it fair use it also is ok under their own intellectual trademark policy.. Talk about one hand not knowing what the other is doing.
You must be new here,
It's to become a crazy old man and John McAfee is my template.
Why is it that every time someone official from Canonical speaks or does an interview they come off as an odd combination of whining and arrogance. We are the greatest thing ever. We are changing the world. Why is everyone so mean to poor little us?
I have never liked the GPL and I've been involved in open source since the early 90s. I've never liked the GPL or really considered it a free license. It's a controlling license. Freedom is not "you are free because you have to do what we tell you." There are 3 types of licenses:
open/controlling ie GPL
free/open ie permissive license
Captain Power was one of the greatest viewing experience of my childhood. Ranks up there with the first time I saw a boob in a movie.
Not only that but Russia and China have always been good friends, even after soviet russia fell down.
Actually this statement is inaccurate. Russia and China have been antagonistic toward each other through most of the past. There was a short period of cooperation after the Chinese civil war but that quickly turned sour as the two countries differed in their approaches to communism. Relations only began to improve after the fall of the USSR
Closed systems are bad um ok
So if open is so much better for developers, then why are iOS developers making 75% of the revenues from mobile app downloads?
Money != morality
Closed systems are bad um ok
This is why I am writing my own simple reader. Just check the feed to see if there are new posts and link me to them. It's all I want.
Stupid people accused of saying stupid things.
I guess I am not considering the linux kernel the OS in this case. My phone runs a version of the linux kernel as do the nodes on the supercomputer, but the many of the things around them are very different.
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson