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Comment Re:Linus Media Group (Score 2) 8

I don't think the point is poor Linus, rather that if it can happen to a group like Linus Media Group, it easily happen to anyone. Many people never report being a victim of a scam due to the shame thinking how much a fool they were. I work in CyberSecurity, even taking lots of precautions it is easy to miss some small thing or be subject to some new zero-day. It can happen to anyone.

Comment Re:um, no (Score 2) 88

This sort of statement has always bothered me to some extent:

          "but they vote against their own interests"

Why must we assume that everyone must always vote in a way that personally benefits them the most no matter how much it might affect anyone else, let alone this example of H-1B visa holders. This is the sort of thinking that has made us so divided. This is the thinking that causes companies to do whatever they can to make money be damned the consequences.

Why is it so hard to imagine that perhaps we should not look at what is personally best, what benefits us the absolute most, but rather what is best for all of us to allow us to grow and succeed as a nation and society?

Comment Dell UltraSharp 38" 3840x1600 (U3818DW) (Score 1) 216

Finally, one I can lend some experience to.

I too felt that too much focus was going into gaming monitors and not work and productivity monitors until I ran into the Dell UltraSharp 38" monitor sporting a 3840x1600 resolution which keeps the tallness I like while still allowing a few good code windows to be open and easily accessible. I often treat it like two 1920x1600 monitors with windows side by side and it works great. It is a little on the expensive side, but I have seen it as low as $650. In the end, I found it to be so impactful to my daily work that I invested in a second one to have at my office as I could not longer work outside my home office once I had become accustomed to it.

Comment Re:Authorized Devices Indeed (Score 1) 133

I am assuming you would have the choice to trust a cert from a non -apple- manufacturer or bypass the warning to check for certs like we do with browsers today.

This is where the tricky part comes in. If you really commit to this being a good idea for "security" and such, then you have to make the assumption that the average user is completely technology illiterate. As such, you then have to ask yourself, do I trust the user to have any idea what is going on if I prompt them that there is some certificate error? Will they research this and understand or just click accept because they just want it to work and this annoying certificate prompt is stopping them. In the end good security is not convenient unfortunately. I am sure this will be marketed as protecting people, but in the end it will just be one more way to get your to purchase a dual certified Dell / Samsung cable so you can hook your new Note 9 to a Dell Laptop and have both be accepting of it or other such silly profit motives.

Comment Authorized Devices Indeed (Score 5, Insightful) 133

I can see it now. I am sorry, the certificate on your charging cables does not match the approved list on the phone and thus you need to order a new charging cable from the vendor. Oh, and if you persist in trying to use the non-approved cable from Amazon, we will be forced to void your warranty. Remember kids, only use Vendor OEM USB Devices. Everyone else is just a crook.

Comment Re:FINALLY!! (Score 2) 55

About time they weighed in on "venue-shopping" by trolls. Either of the defendant or plaintiff's headquarters' locations.

Even that has problems, as the patent trolls will simply all incorporate in the Eastern District of Texas and keep a one man shop open there. I think like many other such cases, it needs to be limited to the location of the Defendant or a plan in which a contract or agreement has been signed.

Comment Two Different Beasts (Score 1) 67

There is one very clear difference in these two situations.

1. When it comes to a Telco, they have my information due to the need for me to provide it pursuant to a contractual agreement for service that was formed between the two of us. I never agreed to, nor desired for them to monetize my data in addition to the money I pay them for the service they provide me.

2. When it comes to Facebook or the like, I am providing my information in exchange for a free service where I am for all intents and purposes the product. They are not being paid by me in any way and I provided them my information freely in exchange for access.

The Telcos want to say that they get to be paid by the customer and then also monetize the data. You don't get both unless there was a very clear understanding of it up front.

Comment Choice of Titles (Score 1) 613

Greetings All,

It is rare that I post to slashdot, rather lurking in the shadows, but as someone whom not only works in Tech Support, but also works in what is in no way a normal tech support, I felt the need to post.

I have the great fortune of working for Harris whom would turn your idea of a helpdesk on it's head. We have about 20 individuals whom serve as the first line support for the whole company, and let me tell you, they are all for the most part top notch. Our first level is what most companies use for second or third level support. Technically I am a Helpdesk Analyst, and much as you have run into, this poses a certain stereotype that can be very hard to shake given the bad press support techs give. Now if you look at my paycheck, my official title for the purpose of paygrade is "Technical Services II". I am not sure how it works in your company, but perhaps there is a better or slightly alternate title you can use on the resume that would sound better.

It is also not uncommon in some companies to get what might be considered a title promotion only. As in you do not get a pay increase, but a better title. While this might not mean much now, it might be a way you can better promote yourself to others. You may wish to inquire with your current employer if this might be available, or if your manager whom might be willing to back a better sounding title should someone inquire. It is not a lie if all parties agree to it.

Also, I had the great benefit that my interview, both by phone and in person were more of a technical question and answer session than anything else. My company cares alot more about what you know and can do, than what is on paper. Lets all be honest, there are many individuals out there who can in no way live up to the words spelled out on their resume.]

Mia Yuuki

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