Greetings All,
It is rare that I post to slashdot, rather lurking in the shadows, but as someone whom not only works in Tech Support, but also works in what is in no way a normal tech support, I felt the need to post.
I have the great fortune of working for Harris whom would turn your idea of a helpdesk on it's head. We have about 20 individuals whom serve as the first line support for the whole company, and let me tell you, they are all for the most part top notch. Our first level is what most companies use for second or third level support. Technically I am a Helpdesk Analyst, and much as you have run into, this poses a certain stereotype that can be very hard to shake given the bad press support techs give. Now if you look at my paycheck, my official title for the purpose of paygrade is "Technical Services II". I am not sure how it works in your company, but perhaps there is a better or slightly alternate title you can use on the resume that would sound better.
It is also not uncommon in some companies to get what might be considered a title promotion only. As in you do not get a pay increase, but a better title. While this might not mean much now, it might be a way you can better promote yourself to others. You may wish to inquire with your current employer if this might be available, or if your manager whom might be willing to back a better sounding title should someone inquire. It is not a lie if all parties agree to it.
Also, I had the great benefit that my interview, both by phone and in person were more of a technical question and answer session than anything else. My company cares alot more about what you know and can do, than what is on paper. Lets all be honest, there are many individuals out there who can in no way live up to the words spelled out on their resume.]
Mia Yuuki