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Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 90

Unless filing taxes online with the IRS results in everything that is reported to them outside of charitable donations for 1040A itemized deductions, then the only thing you should be seeing is how much you owe or get back. That's it. They already know how much you've made legally. So why the Kabuki theater every year?

Comment Aliens don't exist... Effectively. (Score 1) 315

There are only two possible scenarios for the non-existence of extra-terrestrial life. 1. They simply don't exist anywhere in the universe. We are it as far as we know. 2. They do exist but are so far away as to effectively be non-existent. We can't communicate with them, we can't see them, and the vast distances between us prevent any hope of possibly conducting communications. We are on an isolated island and they are as well and that's the way it's going to be. So they in effect, don't exist.

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