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Comment Re:Maybe (Score 5, Interesting) 658

That's exactly the kind of psy-op that has been going on for weeks now in discussion forums all around the internets.

Slowly, but steadily comments pop up that put Snowden in a slightly bad light, for no good reason at all. Depending on the target audience of the forum, it's anything from "because 'MURICA" to what you just said.

Doesn't anyone notice that?

That's also why such programs are so enormously dangerous. Who in the world would know best how to manipulate public opinion? Only those whose sole reason of existance it is to peek into other peoples lives ... so even when the programs are known (which happens very rarely), we can't fight it because they have already become too powerful.

Comment Re:Boycott VISA MASTERCARD. Start using BITCOIN. (Score 1, Interesting) 353

A roommate is on there, and it works like a charm for him, he earns a wee bit of money selling bitcoins. He's thinking about how to protect himself against robberies, but I guess it's the same with any sort of dealing that involves value. So far there weren't any problems beyond the occassional buyer flaking out.


Roku Finally Gets a 2D Menu System 80

DeviceGuru writes "Many of us have griped for years about Roku's retro one-dimensional user interface. Finally, in conjunction with the release of the new Roku 3 model, the Linux-based media streaming player is getting a two-dimensional facelift, making it quicker and easier to access favorite channels and find new ones. Current Roku users, who will now begin suffering from UI-envy, will be glad to learn that Roku plans to push out a firmware update next month to many earlier models, including the Roku LT, Roku HD (model 2500R), Roku 2 HD, Roku 2 XD, Roku 2 XS, and Roku Streaming Stick. A short demo of the new 2D Roku menu system is available in this YouTube video."

Comment Great idea. (Score 5, Interesting) 311

I honestly think that this is a great idea. It's a novel approach to extending a kernel, especially considering NetBSD doesn't have that big of a market share and expressly focusses on supporting as many platforms as possible. Prototyping new features or certain drivers in a portable scripting language may give them a leg up in the functionality aspect of the race.

Also, LUA is super fast, small, easy to learn, concise and the C API/embedding it is straight forward.

You may knock it all you want, "because kernel land is C land", but after all bias being said and flamed, this may turn out to be a really fun, interesting and possibly very useful idea.

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