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Comment Alien UFOs and the laws of physics (Score 4, Insightful) 287

I think there are three basic options and a fourth most likely one.
  1. 1 We are the first technologically intelligent species.
  2. 2 We are the last technologically intelligent species.
  3. 3 The universe is so dam big that the probability for any technologically intelligent lifeforms to ever come into contact is near zero.
  4. 4 It is a cover story for military aviation R&D.

I personally go with the last option.

Comment Just be productive.. (Score 5, Insightful) 443

Use whatever makes you most productive and understand that it will vary from developer to developer. 99% of IDE / Editor debates make stuff all difference to the outcome. Instead focus on:1. Only implementing exactly what you need. 2 Testing the thing, then going back and reviewing the testing with a view to adding more tests. 3. Not let the implementation get ahead of the tests. 5. Get someone else to test. 6 .. Test.
Test.. test .. test

Comment Here we go again.. (Score 1) 212

It is almost as if this idea comes up every 7 to 10 years except that the scope increases each time.. With any luck they wont get it over the line..

I suspect that sophisticated crooks and terrorists have perfect paperwork and perfect online personas, passports and other documentation which means that the only people they are going to trap are the random idiots and the majority of the law abiding population.

Comment Medical Horoscope: Sign of the Feted Barnacle (Score 1) 320

As you were born under the sign of the feted barnacle, today you will have doubts but tomorrow will be a new day and there will be a sense of resigned indifference before first coffee. Initially, as the sun moves into the burrow of the Aardvark you will be unable to find comfort but later a game of exploding kittens and fails videos on Youtube will cheer you up and your, cancer predicted in your previous medical horoscope, will be gone. Later in the week you will be standing beside someone on packed public transport, reach out to this person, but be prepared to duck as they may not like your advances.

Comment Good ol CHEP, happy memories of logistics job. (Score 1) 250

In the early 1990's CHEP got very aggressive about tracking its palettes and you had to make sure you had some on site so if a truck (lorry) dropped a load off and there were CHEP palettes you had some more to put on the back of the load for the return trip or you needed to keep some transfer palettes to unload CHEP ones onto.
It was ok to a point but they were hard to keep track off, especially in a ad hoc logistics facility where old equipment was being stored.
Once upon a time you buy a slab (box of stubbies) of beer for about 4 CHEP palettes so you had to keep them under lock and key or they would go missing (on Fridays). Remember that these things are rented and we used to have conduct census. Occasionally one would get completely smashed and you would repair it enough so that it could be returned.
There was another company called LOSCAM, they had purple palettes and for a while you had to keep supply of those as well.
The CHEP Palette was a well built thing and could take 1000Kg easily, the white wood ones this article refers to were single use only, sucked royally and yea you could only enter them from two sides..

Comment Between DST, JDK Date and Oracle DB's (Score 1) 613

Many countless hours dealing with time related stupidity especially when developers were originally obliged to use local time on the legacy system.

I think the whole concept of DST should be scrapped, and I think we should just all use UTC and have midday at whatever time that happens to be in UTC.

It would not take too long for the world to get used to it..

While we are at it, can all computing platforms standardise on the Unix timestamp in milliseconds please.

Comment Its easy to be critical (Score 5, Insightful) 164

The thing about OpenSSL et al is that everyone who used it had exactly the same opportunity to review the code and make a decision about its use.
What actually happened was that, for the most part, was that it was just used blindly as its the case with most cryptographic systems and API's.
Whatever the motivators for the OpenSSL group were, whatever the decisions that were made or not made, the simple fact of caveat emptor still applies.

Its good that LibreSSL is getting created, and thanks.. Seriously though, stop bashing the OpenSSL project, it is just as much the product of its community as its developers.

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