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Comment Re:What is "modern C" in this context? (Score 1) 114

One scary thing is that the new C standard in the works (C2X) has all the C++ guys trying to C++'ize C. They removed the ability to forward declare parameters (there goes efficient variable length array based matrix function calls) and made the empty parenthesis the same as C++ (no parameters instead of any number) killing off a lot of interlanguage (especially to assembly) calls. What's worse is the last change breaks existing code while at least the former can be still supported as an extension.

Comment Re:Staffing issues (Score 1) 202

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess the OP that you answered will not look at facts or believe them because they already have their mind made up. But despite that, thanks for giving real numbers. I understand we don't have good stats, but it would be good to provide a source if you have it handy. I know at this point it is probably not going to help anyone because one side has their fingers in their ears yelling "brandon" as loud as they can, and the other side is sane (and hence vaccinated), but it is still good to have proper cites to help those of us who actually like facts and reason and to keep our discourse at a higher level.

Comment Re:Staffing issues (Score 1) 202

Yes, it's almost like it has nothing to do with the vaccine or the disease, but is more an excuse used for political reasons because their dear leader/jeebus god/cult told them so. It really does seem like they are grasping at anything they can to justify whatever position they want in their heads since reality is not accommodating their crazy beliefs. Cognitive dissonance avoidance by attacking anything that might make them admit they are wrong and that their party is in the wrong.

Comment Re: Staffing issues (Score 1) 202

You've said this (higher myocardial events) so many times throughout the conversations here without any proof or cites. I'm not saying you are wrong, but can you provide a source for your claims? I've seen the others do so, so right now what they are saying is a lot more credible than what you are saying. Please provide a real (not blog or the like) source because if what you say is true, I really would like to know!

Comment Re:Notice - if you will (Score 1) 187

Thanks for providing a source. You have more patience than me for AC trolls who, surprise surprise, never posted their sources. Almost as if they are an idiot spouting nonsense to try and bring race into something that had nothing to do with it. Sorry, got sidetracked. My real point was again to thank you for the source and rational reasoned posts. The reason I still come to /.

Comment Re: for the * (Score 1) 241

You do realize that cops don't even make the top 10 most dangerous professions right? Being a farmer is more dangerous by far (50% more so)!
I know! I was surprised too! But shows to go you that common sense always needs to take a back seat to reality and science! I swear the number of times I thought x was true because it just makes sense and then found out it really isn't...

Comment Re:see? here's another one (Score 1) 241

Regardless of my political views, I would like to thank you for posting actual facts, even if in a sarcastic manner. People shouldn't spread BS without being called on it or have real consequences, but that seems to be the way our world works now. I appreciate you not letting people get away with outright lying. I have given up the fight as I see people speaking the truth and giving facts being ignored by the liars. It is easy to lie and run while people like you have to spend time researching, giving factual responses that they just ignore and post the same drivel again and again. Props again.

Comment Re:Microsoft must be leaning in... (Score 1) 147

Sad thing is that it will continue to sell given the forced OEM contracts, entrenchment (games and other apps that only work on Windows) and the normal monopolistic practices (change the default browser?! Hah, wait until the next update). When you don't need to innovate or create good products, you can milk your captive audience for anything you want. Just think of all the personal info they are getting via telemetry and run of the mill spying. You know there are a large number of varied customers for that data.

Comment Re:Critical thinking. (Score 0) 676

You ever notice that when you post facts and actual data driven rejoinders, one of two things happen: (1) The poster of the nonsense disappears and never responds to you. (2) The poster comes back with shifted goalposts or "No!!" or made up/fake science rebuttals. Funny how so far it is (1) in this case and you will see that same poster make the same post elsewhere in this topic or another one later on. Data, evidence, facts and rational thinking all are good if you are arguing in good faith. Unfortunately (and ironically re faith) right wingers almost never do any of those.

Comment Re:The killer is already inside the building, (Score 1) 255

Wait, so, the parent poster said "Donald Trump had rejected an offer" to get more doses, and you claim a second TRUMP administration would have gotten the doses?! I think you are looking too hard to defend the indefensible (assuming everything the parent said was correct, looking at this logically from only what was stated by your post and its parent) or make a partisan apology.

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