Let's be honest about the death rate and don't require a mathematics degree to reverse the publication from the CDC.
Which says this is a respiratory infection that spreads fast.
You only have to worry if you are considered of terminal age or have per-existing conditions that would put you in danger.
Surprise! I had it and survived.
Instead of throwing billions around to people who will be fine we should just protect the at risk population.
Ah yes the old 'protect the at risk population'. Such an amazingly simple solution, so elegant, so easy to express, so easy to grasp. So definitive and final it seems to end the discussion with its pure absolutism. In reality, absolutely impossible to do, and a totally meaningless statement, but it sure *sounds* good. And that's what Trumpers like - soothing words that sound good. The rest of the country would prefer some sort of planning, and response to the virus.
The fact that Democrats act like voter fraud isn't occurring is insane to me
Said no Democrat, anywhere, ever. There has never been an election without a few idiots trying to vote twice, vote in two locations etc. These people are caught. They usually get arrested. The system(s) catch them. What sane people are saying is that there was not some sudden surge of massive, national level fraud occurring on the 2020 election. It just wasn't there.
Fraud is deliberate. Are you suggesting that 72% of the absent poll location Detriot were somehow undermined by a massive democrat conspiracy? Even though your links clearly state the final tallies WERE CORRECT! You've point to an error in a spreadsheet used in Detroit last summer. That' isn't Fraud. Try again, and good luck. Have you checked Hunters laptop for the plans? Maybe Guillian can fill you in...
Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.
I know how disappointed you feel because I feel it too, and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a long time, but I want you to remember this. Our campaign was never about one person or even one election, it was about the country we love and about building an America that's hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.
Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don't just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them.
Then she walked away. No lies. no suits. No armed poll watchers. No recounts. is Trump woman enough to do the same?
If you dont want those features, install Zoom's Meeting Connect on your premises and host your own meetings by your self.
Fortunately, the US is still hanging on to a culture that encourages scrappy, non-linear entrepreneurship. I'm frustrated by universities that value grades above creativity, and the current trend where our youth have to compete on such shallow metrics. (Against youth raised by helicopter parents from other cultures with no other purpose than to have the highest GPA.) Fortunately, these are short term problems and creativity triumphs in the long view. It always will. And that's the original American way. But I wonder why so many businesses grow out of this skill to their ultimate decline?
Jeff Bezos has ten direct reports at Amazon. Seven of them have MBA's. Another has a MS in business. The other two are the lawyer and the press relations guy. The rest of your posting is just as uninformed....
So if you are a CEO and you don't have an MBA you surround yourself with them. As Elon and Jeff have done.
All these guys have big buck MBAs, Wharton, Harvard, Stanford etc too.. I am guessing you don't. The GMAT was harder then you thought huh? Can't run with the big dogs so you just like to piss all over them with your *astounding* ignorance ? Keep coding dude, keep on coding.
The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin