Comment solar roadways (Score 1) 34
I'm holding out for
I'm holding out for
The article reminds of when Hypercard was released in 1987
It's not clear how to interpret an elevated CRP as a marker of blood vessel inflammation when one has a pre-existing inflammatory condition such as IBD.
This is among the most likely of explanations.
Does anyone know how to run YODA?
Some people have claimed the real reason why the earlier vaccine was discontinued was that it gave people Lyme disease.
Consider the ATM. Wouldn't one think at the introduction of these machines that days of bank tellers would have been numbered? Yet as I walk my around my neighborhood, I can find a dozen banks all with a full complement of tellers. There are way MORE teller jobs now decades after ATMs became ubiquitous than there were before the machines.
Consider tolls. Wouldn't one think at the introduction of EZ-Pass that the days of toll clerks would have been numbered? Yet when do you ever not see a long line of cars in toll clerk lanes? These workers are super busy.
Consider the self-checkout lanes at supermarkets. Wouldn't one think at the introduction of these lanes that days of checkout clerks would have been numbered? I have this feeling the same thing is happening to bank tellers and toll clerks will happen to them, too. There will be more opportunity, not less.
For reasons unclear, our predictions are turning out be wrong.
This is backward.
Obamacare is a conservative plan:
The plan you're thinking of was the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act:
There are herbal options for treating this,
This is where it's at:
The inability to draw problem was partially solved by the introduction of vector-based drawing software. It's been trivial to draw basic geometric shapes, like circles, squares, rectangles. polygons, etc for decades. Back in the pencil days, one needed plastic templates. Now this isn't going to the average Joe into an artist, but it's a big step from just a pencil.
This has been shifting for the last few decades, starting with desktop publishing.
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