Comment SQL is Turing complete and a programming language. (Score 1) 102
That must mean Factorio's combinators are also a programming language.
That must mean Factorio's combinators are also a programming language.
^ This.
There are some studies on this (my googlefu is failing me) where they examine the CO2 output of wrapped and non-wrapped veggies. The wrapped veggies degrade slower, meaning there is less food going to the dump. All biological matter eventually degrades and while it does so, it emits gasses. The plastic wrapping, for cucumbers as an example, means they stay on the shelves longer, leading to less need to transport new food to replace it and also lasting longer for consumption.
So, this is a very complicated subject and one cannot apply a generalized statement like "don't wrap our vegetables in plastic" to everything. Potatoes, Apples, etc, are most likely better kept unwrapped. While Cucumbers and very watery veggies are probably best kept wrapped.
Is it me, or are the people at QT trying to make QT into something more than it should be. I always though of it as a GUI library.
Next step, QT OS!
..It doesn't matter. When you drop an iPad, it's costly to replace. But I'm just preaching to the choir now...
The SO guys should grab that domain name.
The Pandaren have been in warcraft lore for quite some time. It would be an uphill struggle for Dreamworks.
I bought a netbook for my wife. Loaded it up the first time and Vista took up over a gig of RAM on a machine with a 2GB limit. I wiped the OS and installed XP. it took up a nice 60Mb or RAM after tweaking. Your 260-270Mb of ram usage is insulting to me.
XP does everything windows 7 can on her laptop.
Even if you asked all members of the household to swear an oath and testify that it was not them, the question then becomes: did one of them lie and was there an outside party involved.
I recall a recent event where a neighbour hacked into a wireless router and used it to download child porn. It was only by sheer luck that he was found out.
You just proved the original poster's problem. It has nothing to do with party, it has to do with representation.
Perhaps the same way you power the starter motor to turn your engine over.
I had an idea while reading this. There is a (mostly) historically accurate game called Europa Universalis III. Though it is too complex for a 4yr old to handle, it is suitable for 8+ year olds. I also pointed them to wikipedia if he had questions. I was astounded to find that the kid played the game for an extended period of time but also followed up on the history of Europe on wikipedia. The last time I talked with him, he told me all about the Polish-Lithuenian common wealth, and how vassalization works. Albeit his knowledge was skewed towards the strategies of the game, it was still accurate. It definitely made his Polish grandfather happy.
To state the obvious: Chernobyl, or Czernobyl as is referred to in the polish language, is a very well known nuclear disaster site. Those crafty Polish are starting to make a name for themselves in the computer industry.
People say we need another space race to kick off another golden age of technological achievement. Well, this planet seems like a fairly lucrative goal considering it's the equivalent of a 'new route to India'. We just need a Christopher Columbus to spear head this endeavor.
If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley