Comment Re:Most interesting point (Score 1) 157
[1] $2.5 Billion: The Big Number that “Big Radio” could owe each year if it paid music royalties at Pandora’s rates Info a little less than half way down the page
[2] John Matrix
Doesn't even pay the tuition plus living expenses for an *average* college.
That certainly more than pays for tuition and living expenses for in-state residents at a public school (often above average schools).
Spring 2013 Tuition at University of Wisconsin-Madison: $10,400/year [1]
Which would leave $14,600/year for living expenses. More than enough.
Non-residents have to pay $26,600/year so tuition would be nearly covered, but not living expenses. However, I think most states have an "average" public university, or reciprocity with a near by state which does. I've even heard of state universities offering free or highly reduced tuition for students who have decent grades or ACT/SAT scores. These numbers, of course, don't include any other financial assistance or scholarships.
If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.