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Comment Re:Nerd fight (Score 1) 216

So you admit you can't keep a job?

You're quite childish to be a manager. I'm beginning to doubt even that claim.

So since it ran mobile JAVA instead of allowing applications to be programmed to directly access the hardware it is only a feature phone? Some would call that a security feature...and exactly what I expect from a security focused company. Anybody could write software for the 8700 and install it without carrier or manufacturer approval. In fact Android apps are running on DALVIK or ART which are just JAVA clones! So by your definition Android phones are not smartphones

And you don't understand what Java2ME is nor what it's limitations are. Hint: you can do very little of what DALVIK can do with J2ME. It's an extremely tight sandbox. You never had any job that required any serious knowledge of mobile devices, because you don't have any such knowledge.

Obviously you're going to make another childish post now. Feel free, you're not worth my time.

Comment Re:Also... (Score 1) 240

You're a fucking moron and you don't understand how microwaves operate. Hell, I once bought a different brand of butter that had a ever-so-slightly metallic wrapper.

"ever-so-slightly metallic wrapper" = paper or plastic wrapped foil. Foil - as mentioned in the very post you are replying to. You got the light show I mentioned.

Try reading a post before hurling juvenile insults.

And you don't need me to show you a video. As I also mentioned Mythbusters already did it. Go watch them.

Comment Re:Nerd fight (Score 1) 216

And I'm a software engineer who has worked on creating several smartphones for more than one manufacturer.

The Blackberry 8700 only qualifies as a feature phone. (It used J2ME; it doesn't allow native third party apps.) And that's why it has feature phone expectations of battery life. And don't bother trying to link to things saying it was a smartphone - most of the world is ignorant as to what qualifies a device as a smartphone - I'm well aware there are plenty of people who wrongly identify many feature phones as smartphones.

As to your press release it makes it quite clear that Apple only provided the music functionality of the ROKR. (The FairPlay DRM and the integration with the iTunes Mac and PM app.) They didn't design the phone. If you believe otherwise you didn't understand what was going on.

Comment Re:Prerequisites (Score 1) 72

Android only has more apps if you count malware and crapware. The app store guidelines and the need to get past a human tester is far more of a restriction on app numbers than the need to have Mavericks. The number one reason for app rejections is the discovery of bugs by the approvals staff. Equivalently buggy apps will find their way into the Android stores without any barrier.

Comment Re:In Soviet times (Score 1) 241

In the old days the Soviets would have done it first, followed by America.

(Russua had the first artificial satellite, first animal in space, first human in space, first woman in space, first multi-person space craft, first spacewalk, first to the moon, first rover on the moon etc. It wasn't until the first manned moon landing that America caught up.)

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