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Submission + - Hobbit Pub saved by actors Stephen Fry and Sir Ian McKellen (

Fluffeh writes: "Recently the Hobbit Pub in England was sued for rights infringement which was covered right here, but it seems that Stephen Fry and Sir Ian McKellen are going to pony up the cash to keep the pub alive as reported by the BBC. Landlady Stella Roberts said she had been shocked by the actors' offer. She said: "I had a telephone call on Saturday evening, while we were trading, from Stephen Fry's business partner and manager. That's when he told me. I was very shocked. They've said as soon as they finish filming they would like to come down and visit the pub." However Ms Roberts said she was not celebrating just yet. She added: "Until everything is in black and white, on paper, we're going to be a bit reserved because it could be $100 this year and $20,000 next year.""

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