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Comment Re:Agency exercising agency (Score 2) 72

No, what SCOTUS doesn't like is federal agencies passing policy as if it had the weight of law. Thus bypassing congress's ability to legislate.

Federal Agencies like to exercise their bureaucratic power by redefining things, altering definitions, etc, to increase their scope of authority by casting a wider net. Thus granting themselves more authority than they actually have. THAT is what SCOTUS has been stripping away from federal agencies.

Comment Re:pardon? (Score 1) 146

You mean, when they find him with a bullet wound to the back of the head, handcuffed with his hands behind his back, zipped up inside a suitcase, in the trunk of a car that a train ran over, then once he's declared dead via suicide, will they drop the charges (secretly).

Comment Banning Books != Not Buying Books (Score 1, Informative) 250

Banning books, is not the same as refusal to spend public funds and include a book in a public school library.

Everyone gets up in arms when they hear the words "banning books" when the reality is that graphically sexual and non-age appropriate books are being denied purchase in primary school libraries.

These are not the same things.

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