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Submission + - XBMC Running On Raspberry Pi (

jones_supa writes: Raspberry Pi Foundation is informing about the capability of Raspberry Pi running XBMC smoothly, turning the board into a media centre the size of deck of cards. Looking at Pi's low price, small size and hardware 1080p support, this could make an interesting HTPC project. Included is a video demonstration of the setup. For this to be possible, XBMC guys have created a customized version that targets the beefier Raspberry Pi model.

Submission + - Firefox javascript engine becomes single threaded (

An anonymous reader writes: From Mozilla engineer Luke Wagner's Blog:
With web workers in separate runtimes, there were no significant multi-threaded runtime uses remaining. Furthermore, to achieve single-threaded compartments, the platform features that allowed JS to easily ship a closure off to another thread had been removed since closures fundamentally carry with them a reference to their original enclosing scope. Even non-Mozilla SpiderMonkey embeddings had reportedly experienced problems that pushed them toward a similar shared-nothing design. Thus, there was little reason to maintain the non-trivial complexity caused by multi-threading support.

There are a lot of things that “would be nice” but what pushed us over the edge is that a single-threaded runtime allows us to hoist a lot data currently stored per-compartment into the runtime. This provides immediate memory savings.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Submission + - Jailbreaking Could Soon Become Illegal Again (

Diggester writes: "Back in July 2010, the United Stated government approved few exemptions in a federal law which made jailbreaking/rooting of electronic devices(iPhones and Android devices) legal. The court ruling stated that every three years, the exemptions have to be renewed considering they don't infringe any copyrighted material.

The three year period is due to expire and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is looking to get the exemptions renewed. In order to do so, they have filed a petition which aims at government to declare jailbreaking legal once again. In addition to that, EFF is also asking for a change in the original ruling to include tablet devices."

Comment Open (Score 1) 87

For anyone wondering, the whole implementation will be open source, so you can port the remote to work on any other media centre, Myth, Plex, Boxee (if they want!)

Submission + - XBMC Gets a dedicated remote (

Malard writes: XBMC users can rejoice, developers from the team have partnered with Motorola to re-develop their previously announced Nyxboard remote with RF, programmable IR and full support on Windows, Mac, Linux and Original Apple TVs.

Comment Re:Goofy glasses (Score 3, Informative) 154

The thing is, designer 3D glasses are still avoiding the underlying issue that its a hack on the eye. The real issue is not stereoscopic picture but accomodation of the eye. The eye is not being strained to adjust to the varying depth and that causes headaches as your brain is not used to it. While some autostereoscopic displays are emerging such as the Ninentdo 3DS, displaying the source content on a 2D service will always leave you with the issue of accomodation

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