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Comment Re: Google will be the eventual loser (Score 1) 126

They've always been about the advertising. Chromium was just another reason they used to get the job done. It's another vehicle to get people to see ads, but their revenue comes from ads on their websites, Google search results, YouTube ads, the creation and sale of user profiles that accurately describe their preferences...

Comment Re: Corporate push (for why I don't know)... (Score 1) 126

You use Firefox, you address the Firefox userbase. You use Chrome, you address Opera, Chromium(the browser), Edge and many other Chromium-based browsers in one shot. Kind of like what Microsoft did with Windows 10 when they picked the lowest common denominator and wrote software that could run on it and anything more powerful

Comment Re: Explain like I'm five .. (Score 1) 126

Same old story. Edge comes pre-installed, right? Gotta get something done on government websites? What do they say? "We recommend doing this in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.". Indeed, I had trouble using other browsers but that one worked just fine. Can't blame the website designers, they go for the largest "certain" user base. Chrome is popular, but nearly everyone will have Edge on a Windows computer.

Comment Re: It's a mystery (Score 1) 167

Range. Then price. Manufacturer said we should expect 1000km of range out of their new electric vehicle? Let me guess : with nobody but the driver inside, no A.C., little to no driving up some hills, empty trunk, stereo at under 50% volume, no aftermarket touchscreen and navigation, no aftermarket subwoofer or speakers or anything because then there goes your range... from 1000 km to 300km, because hey, we didn't account for actually normal usage, i.e. How people would use that car to replace one with an I.C.E.

Comment Americans (Score 1) 103

We really are dumb. If you are not elderly you can still get the virus, CARRY it and get it to an elderly without knowing. There are many cases of infected adults without symptoms who survived. Also, there are also cases of children who died from COVID-19 because their immune system wasn't ready to fight it. It's not just the elderly. Then, you may also want to look into the long term adverse effects of COVID - 19 in an adult who had no pre-existing conditions. Just because you're in that social category doesn't mean you are immune. But I'm sure you'll find that out rather sooner than later. Be prepared for another outbreak in fall.

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