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Journal Luke727's Journal: Walking Dead finale (spoilers)

I haven't read the comics, but I do read some stuff on reddit so some of it was spoiled for me. First of all, they are finally off the fucking farm; halleluiah! Jimmy driving the RV was the most pointless death ever. I literally laughed out loud at the stupidity. I'm not really sure what Lori was so fucking pissed at, though; she all but told Rick to kill Shane, and now that he did she recoils from him? What the fuck, cunt? I also thought it was funny when Carl cried about it; seemed somewhat out of character at that point, but whatever. I thought it was interesting how some of the characters wanted to take off on their own after the shit-storm on the farm, though I am a bit relieved they all went back to the group. I had already read about the "everyone's infected" thing so that revelation was not surprising. Even so I'm not sure why Rick felt it necessary to tell everyone; couldn't he have just lied about Shane's reanimation? I mean, does knowing that you're already infected really change anything? You're fighting for your life, not your after-life (or whatever you want to call it). Finally there's Rick's little speech at the end; apparently he's done taking shit from everyone. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest; seems to me the only person who gave him any grief was Shane (who's dead) and Herschel (whose land they are now off of). So it seemed a bit pointless in that aspect. Then when you take into account the fact that Lori is the true source of most of the shit that he has to deal with, the mind boggles. Rick should just put a bullet in that cunt's face; that would solve a lot of problems for everyone. Even with all that I'm still into this show; hopefully season 3 won't have the same pacing problems.

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Walking Dead finale (spoilers)

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