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Comment Re:Not the only important trend (Score 1) 324

I don't understand why people resort to centuries' old discredited theories. Malthus was writing in the years shortly before the industrial revolution, which despite living in, he was unable to foresee. People with alarmist tendencies have been clamoring about Malthusian nonsense for decades. Remember Ehrlich in the 1970s with his overpopulation fear-mongering? And what about the fear about "global cooling" leading to ecological disaster, also wailed about in the 1970s. None of that came to pass, and then global cooling became "global warming" and now in the absence of any warming since 1998, "climate change" with some arbitrary and utterly unscientific "95% certainty".

Stop flogging the dead horse - Malthus was wrong because in his narrowmindedness -- disturbingly, a trait present in far too many contemporary citizens for whom current technological marvels apparently have not registered -- he ignored human ingenuity. Frankly, the Big Green is a gigantic and well oiled (so to speak) force that has hijacked the noble goal of protecting the environment into a money making scheme based on a fundamentalist ideology and userpation and debasement of the techniques and jargon of science, while attempting to enforce its zealotry through medieval tactics of charging "heresy" and inquisition against any who dare question its weak foundations. Pseudoscience mumbo jumbo at its worst.

No wonder Popular Science magazine stopped all comments on its website, coincidentally just days prior to the release of this report. Their "climate change" propaganda was being debunked by an increasingly skeptical and scientifically literate user base within the comments section, and they wanted to stamp out all criticism and discussion, under the guise of "stopping the trolls" or whatever lame excuse they trotted out.

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