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Comment Re:Green belts? (Score 1) 244

I am from Central Europe and we have the same issues as the UK.

But I don't blame the banks / real-estate industries, I blame the central bank's mismanagement. Why? Because I know people who own houses as an investment and I know what pushed them into making such investments: inflation has been out of control for almost 2 decades and central banks don't care one bit. Sure, you can invest on the stock market, but common folk prefer tangible things they understand: real estate.

The most blaring example of mismanagement happened during COVID: economy was slowing down, because people often couldn't work (therefore other people couldn't spend on services), goods couldn't be shipped across the world etc. There was no dire shortage of money on the market (demand side), there was a very clear problem on the SUPPLY side.

Despite this, central banks went haywire and dumped more money onto the market, despite having dumped a lot already through near-zero interest rates during the preceding decade.

Comment Re:I don't believe the number is only 5.7% (Score 1, Informative) 113

My country suffered socialism for 4 decades. Yes, nobody had to fight for basic needs, but basic needs was all you'd ever get. You could start a small "company", however, the moment it would grow beyond tiny, it'd get expropriated by the state so that you don't "exploit" anybody.

Therefore nobody had motivation to work hard for anything, thus didn't work much. Also borders had to be shut close, or else anybody a bit capable and still willing to work hard would run away.

Don't believe these naive socialist ideas that have always failed. There are plenty examples.

Comment Re:I'm sure this terrorist attack will calm things (Score 1) 482

Nobody is stealing any land in Gaza. Israel fully withdrew from Gaza 19 years ago and physically destroyed any Israeli houses that existed there. They gave them full control and they used this opportunity to build terrorist networks in tunnels, fire rockets and send incendiary baloons to Israel.

Comment Re:Learn to do math! (Score 1) 426

No, I don't see the problem. First of all, typical charging isn't longer than 30 minutes. Then, most people do charging at home, so you don't need to service that many cars on the road. And lastly, you can put EV charging stations anywhere. They're now appearing in supermarket parking lots here in Europe.

Comment Re:Let them use public transportation. (Score 1) 217

Have you heard of superchargers?

That's why they suck for rentals: you've got to plan your entire trip (usually in a strange area to begin with) around vehicle maintenance.

The car literally tells you when it needs to charge and where.

From Omaha to Denver area mountains for the weekend. Car was never near an EV charger the entire time

I see plenty of them on the map.

Comment Re:A proper use for hydrogen (Score 1) 168

This isn't a "what if", it is happening. I read about the problems of BEVs sitting on dealer lots unsold on a website called "Slashdot", perhaps you've heard of it?

Yeah, for example here in Europe, because European EVs are bad and very expensive at the same time. You can get a much better Tesla at a significantly lower price (e.g. -25%) or you can get a Chinese EV at half the price.

So right now you can hear car manufacturers complaining about bad EV sales, making excuses that the market isn't there, but what they forget to tell is that they lag 10 years behind competition.

Comment Re:This is already implemented at Targets and WalM (Score 4, Insightful) 109

Never had a murder by gunshot occurred in this town

It's not murder if it's self-defence (by the police in this case I presume).

Who will be accountable for the wreckage?

How's that even a question? The guy with a gun who decided to shoot at the police is responsible.

Do you think we should ignore crime just to that it doesn't escalate?

Comment Re: Yeah history says they will fold. (Score 4, Informative) 107

How is Facebook republishing anything? All that appears when you share a link is the title, the picture and maybe a few initial words. Nothing else. You have to visit the article to read it in its entirety.

Google News looks pretty similar here. You certainly cannot read the article on Google (News), you have to go to the source website.

Comment Re:Enough remote areas for the nuclear waste dumps (Score 4, Informative) 169

Right now yes. But read this:

Article: Germany's energy system has been plagued by low wind speeds for much of 2022 so far, with wind generation totals falling below capacity levels in eight of the first 11 months of the year, according to data tracked by Refinitiv.

Peak prices in 2022 were about $0.81/kWh (without taxes and power distribution costs). Thanks to this, fixed energy prices for 2023 are around $0.58/kWh. Companies are already going bankrupt, because you can't compete with such energy expenses.

it's blowing even more strongly around England, the 'stans, and around the Med. The idea that there's no wind in the region is a dumb one

England or the Mediterranean are not our region. It's too far away.

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