Comment Re:Rape trigger? (Score 1) 562
"Is it too much to expect the rest of the world to take some care and have some empathy in helping you manage?"
Yes. It really is. People have their own shit they need to deal with, and can't manage the internal baggage of the world. Expecting them to be able to recognize, at a glance and without any knowledge of every -other- individuals' unique and snowflake like bullshit, and then choose the appropriate response (oh, they want to talk about it, oh, they want me to ignore it, blah blah blah) is waaaaaay to much to ask.
"It's not too much to want others to help, and while you can't *make* them do so, they ought to."
Here's my problem with your statement: Yes, we should be willing to help others deal with their emotional baggage by not saying or doing shit that's going to cause them to have a nervous breakdown. But from my understanding of TFA, this isn't an "ought not" situation. This is a "being physically barred from doing" situation. That's the opposite of an ought not. That's a can not.
Incidentally, why the hell are you telling someone what is or isn't too much for him to want? It's like the whole tone of your post is YOU defining what others "ought" to feel, in addition to YOU defining how they "ought" to act.
The world is a big place with diverse people who have the inherent right to choose for THEMSELVES how they feel and act. If some of them abuse that and cause others to confront their own bullshit existence, then it is their RIGHT as individuals to make that choice (standard caveat about their fist and your nose). Westboro OUGHT NOT be pricks, but they have every right to be, and you trying to censor them makes you MUCH worse than they ever could be.