Comment Dear Leader to premiere 10G network soon! (Score 4, Funny) 63
Dear Leader only wanted 3G to show all how weak and stupid western 3G network is compared to Strong, Valiant Korean 10G network, coming soon!
Dear Leader only wanted 3G to show all how weak and stupid western 3G network is compared to Strong, Valiant Korean 10G network, coming soon!
The dispute started when the spam-fighting group, called Spamhaus, added the Dutch company Cyberbunker to its blacklist, which is used by e-mail providers to weed out spam.
I think what they meant to say here was: "The dispute started when the spam-fighting group Spamhaus, which maintains a blacklist used by e-mail providers to weed out spam, added the Dutch company Cyberbunker to its blacklist."
I suspect that Bioshock Infinite, Crysis 3, and a lot of other recent games will be ported to the PS4/Xbox-Durango not long after launch. Of course, they'll slap a "Special Super-Duper Edition" label on them so we consolers will get the privilege of paying for them all over again.
Man, I hate checkpoint systems. *Why* do developers keep that old system around? It was perfectly understandable back in the days when there was very limited system memory available to maintain saves, especially on consoles. But we left that era behind 15 years ago, yet developers still keep it around. Their nostalgia for the old ways has me wanting to throw my controller at the wall every time I have to replay through a whole level just to get to the ONE PART that I'm having trouble with--OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Not only that, but, as you mentioned, a save anywhere system let's you experiment and have fun a lot more--trying different approaches to situations.
And the WORST offender is the game that not only has checkpoints, but only one save slot to boot (Dead Rising, I'm looking in your direction). Get caught at a checkpoint in bad shape and you could easily end up having to replay through the *whole game*.
The Bioshock storylines have always had the subtlety of a freight train. In the first one it was libertarianism = bad. In this one, I gether it's racism = bad, and/or intolerant religion = bad. I kind of respect the first one more, though. It's a lot more artistically gutsy to present a failed libertarian utopia (especially as popular as libertarianism is amongst many these days) than to present a failed racist/bigot utopia (ooh, real gutsy to criticize racism, guys!). But again, subtle these games aren't.
one thing I loved about the first 2 was how the AI and character models...I don't know, they just had this kind of unnerving quality to it that I thought they did very well. The way the disfigured football jock would talk and move like he was talking to some unseen authority figure
-very mild spoiler alert for the few who have yet played the first Bioshock-
One of my favorite parts in the first one was near the beginning, when you go into the bathroom, and one of the mutants comes screaming out of the toilet stall yelling "I'M NOT A BAD PERSON!" as he's attacks you. That was truly unnerving. Even better than the surprise doctor reveal later, IMHO.
Pfft and spend a few hundred bucks buying a console for a vastly inferior experience? Right.
So you want no DRM, but only on your platform of choice too?
Do you have any other demands? If so, please list them in an angry rant on the internet.
Ripping a tag off a mattress is only illegal if you then try to sell the mattress afterwards.
Oh, I did more than *try*. But that's just how we roll where I came up.
Cookbooks are to provide ideas and get you to try new/unfamiliar techniques. They aren't to give you a step-by-step guide for making specific dishes.
Julia Childs must be spinning in her grave to read this, at precisely 2409 rpm.
Warcraft: The Flamethrower.
Cause I still got a shitload of those cards to unload, man.
Fortunately, this particularly blu-ray was region 0, so there was no need for me to become an evil criminal to view it. I have, however, ripped many a tag off a mattress and jaywalked more than once in my life. So I do have a bad-boy side.
Our mascot is a Koala.
If my knowledge of Australia is any indication, they're not socialist. They're either a vast wasteland where people in dune buggies fight over gasoline, or the place where young Einstein learned to party. One of those. Either way, I know they all carry VERY large knives.
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson