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Comment Watch your clauses, people! (Score 5, Informative) 450

The dispute started when the spam-fighting group, called Spamhaus, added the Dutch company Cyberbunker to its blacklist, which is used by e-mail providers to weed out spam.

I think what they meant to say here was: "The dispute started when the spam-fighting group Spamhaus, which maintains a blacklist used by e-mail providers to weed out spam, added the Dutch company Cyberbunker to its blacklist."

Comment Re:I've been playing it since yesterday. (Score 1) 149

Man, I hate checkpoint systems. *Why* do developers keep that old system around? It was perfectly understandable back in the days when there was very limited system memory available to maintain saves, especially on consoles. But we left that era behind 15 years ago, yet developers still keep it around. Their nostalgia for the old ways has me wanting to throw my controller at the wall every time I have to replay through a whole level just to get to the ONE PART that I'm having trouble with--OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Not only that, but, as you mentioned, a save anywhere system let's you experiment and have fun a lot more--trying different approaches to situations.

And the WORST offender is the game that not only has checkpoints, but only one save slot to boot (Dead Rising, I'm looking in your direction). Get caught at a checkpoint in bad shape and you could easily end up having to replay through the *whole game*.

Comment Re:I've been playing it since yesterday. (Score 1) 149

The Bioshock storylines have always had the subtlety of a freight train. In the first one it was libertarianism = bad. In this one, I gether it's racism = bad, and/or intolerant religion = bad. I kind of respect the first one more, though. It's a lot more artistically gutsy to present a failed libertarian utopia (especially as popular as libertarianism is amongst many these days) than to present a failed racist/bigot utopia (ooh, real gutsy to criticize racism, guys!). But again, subtle these games aren't.

Comment Re:What about DRM? (Score 1) 149

one thing I loved about the first 2 was how the AI and character models...I don't know, they just had this kind of unnerving quality to it that I thought they did very well. The way the disfigured football jock would talk and move like he was talking to some unseen authority figure

-very mild spoiler alert for the few who have yet played the first Bioshock-

One of my favorite parts in the first one was near the beginning, when you go into the bathroom, and one of the mutants comes screaming out of the toilet stall yelling "I'M NOT A BAD PERSON!" as he's attacks you. That was truly unnerving. Even better than the surprise doctor reveal later, IMHO.


Submission + - Digital Cameras Easily Turned Into Spying Devices (

An anonymous reader writes: Users' desire to share things online has influenced many markets, including the digital camera one. Newer cameras increasingly sport built-in Wi-Fi capabilities or allow users to add SD cards to achieve them in order to be able to upload and share photos and videos as soon as they take them. But, as proven by Daniel Mende and Pascal Turbing, security researchers with ERNW, these capabilities also have security flaws that can be easily exploited for turning these cameras into spying devices. The researchers chose to compromise Canon's EOS-1D X DSLR camera an exploit each of the four ways it can communicate with a network. Not only have they been able to hijack the information sent from the camera, but have also managed to gain complete control of it.

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