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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
MOD DOWN OVERRATED  *Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:45PM  -1
   attached to Intel On A Building Spree
Fuck AT&T  *Thursday June 23, 2005 @04:01PM  -1
   attached to AT&T Plans CNN-style Security Channel
Re:RSX  *Wednesday June 22, 2005 @02:05PM  -1
   attached to GeForce 7800 GTX Review
Re:A quiz!  *Monday June 20, 2005 @07:04AM  -1
For fuck's sake  *Monday June 20, 2005 @06:56AM  -1
   attached to Censored Nagasaki Bomb Story Found
Re:Great Article  *Friday June 17, 2005 @04:13PM  -1
Re:I won't go to the theater any more.  *Friday June 17, 2005 @03:42PM  -1
   attached to Consumers Prefer Movies At Home
Re:The Revolution Will Not Be HD  *Sunday June 12, 2005 @04:03AM  -1
   attached to The Revolution Will Not Be HD
Re:Blue Man Group  *Thursday June 09, 2005 @07:49PM  -1
Re:Idea for new Slashdot section  *Thursday June 09, 2005 @07:42PM  -1
   attached to Cringley Thinks Apple & Intel Are Merging
Re:Airbus  *Wednesday April 27, 2005 @02:05PM  -1
Re:Our 'plane is bigger than your 'plane  *Wednesday April 27, 2005 @02:02PM  -1
   attached to Airbus A380 Completes Maiden Test Flight
Re:Shouldn't it be  *Wednesday March 30, 2005 @09:43PM  -1
   attached to Record Low Turnout in Debian Leadership Election
Sudden popularity  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @10:29PM 7 4, Funny
   attached to Inside the PSP
Re:Nice but...  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @10:24PM  0
   attached to Toshiba's One-Minute-Recharge Li-ion Batteries
Huh?  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @08:57PM  0
   attached to Another Stab at Online Outline Fonts
Re:USA tax is a mess  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @09:01PM  0
   attached to New York Court Says Telecommuters Must Pay NY Tax
In a statement issued earlier today,  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @09:04PM  0
   attached to Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against EA
Re:$90million for a study?  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @10:38PM  0
Re:GTA definitely had no effect on me.  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @07:17PM  0
Re:MODS: flamebait?  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @07:15PM 1 -1, Troll
Join the Fascist Party!  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @07:10PM  0
MOD UP  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @06:52PM  0
   attached to Senator Clinton Slams GTA
Pop-up blocker  *Tuesday March 29, 2005 @11:21AM  0
   attached to TiVo Starts Testing "Pop-up" Ads

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
