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Comment Re:Old hardware (Score 1) 210

Mod parent up!

The Steam DRM is very unintrusive. The ability to gather all my games in one place for easy redownloading far outweighs the lack of ability to resell your games second hand.

As the parent says, you can even install the games on multiple machines - for example if you are visiting a friend and wants to access your game library - you just cannot play on more than one machine simultaneously.

Also, they have great sales :) I have a backlog of about 60 unplayed games or so...

Comment Re:Punish Trolls (Score 1) 209

I can hardly remember any "Apps" before the iPhone showed up. These things were used to be called "Computer programs.".

I actually remember them being called "applications" from time to time. I googled the term now, and mostly find different MacOS dialog boxes, so I guess it was a MacOS term initially too.

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