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Comment Mostly harmless (Score 1) 163

Haven't work with C# in decades because if I was going to work in such a thing, I was going to specialize in Java that is free of the influence of The Borg.

Yeah, yeah and yeah, Larry Ellison, but Larry Ellison is a Star Trek villain more on the level of a renegade Klingon, or maybe, just maybe like Khan, certainly nothing like the Borg.

That said, Java performance requires programming in a Java subset that resembles COBOL to not trip the garbage collector, and I never could figure out the rules for escape analysis that allocates an object or an array local to a function context and acts like stack allocation in C++. Does calling another function on an array break this, even if it stays local to the called function, or is javac or the JVM clever enough these days?

I find the need to do thousands of loop iterations of warmup to get Java benchmarks near C++.

That said, I know a dude who uses Julia for all of the machine-learning neural-network hacking that many others do in Python. Julia is garbage-collected but it doesn't use a Java-like virtual machine (JVM) and incremental translator (JIT) but just compiles everything to input to LLVM? I am thinking Julia could be "fast" whereas Java is "mostly fast"?

Comment Pascal is for Euroweenies (Score 1) 163

C is for 'Murricans.

I am partial to Pascal having been indoctrinated in the purpose and use of what is derisively called a "bondage and discipline" programming language by Denmark's 2nd most influential proponent, Per Brinch Hansen who once taught at a small institution of higher learning in the Greater Los Angeles Area in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, the 1st most influential proponent being Anders Hejlsberg, whom I never met but spent much of my career using Turbo Pascal and then Delphi owing to the influence of what Brinch Hansen taught.

Back in the day, there was the European Reliable Software Mafia who were promoting bondage and discipline programming languages to address The Software Crisis as it existed in the early 1960s. Notable bosses of The Operation were C. A. R. "Skinny Tony" Hoare along with Edsger "I've got your GOTOs, right here!" Dijkstra. The pioneering bondage and discipline language was none other than Algol 60 or simply Algol, the ancestor node to a family tree of "Algol-like languages" that include C, if you squint hard enough, with there being some argument as to whether Algol itself was really an Algol-like language. For example, does anyone around here who thinks lambdas are a necessary feature of a modern programming language have a clue as to the semantics of Algol call-by-name?

Maybe not a software Mafia "made member" or "button man" but certainly an affiliate to The Organization and valued inventor of bondage and discipline programming languages was Niklaus "The Swiss Cheese" Wirth, who invented Pascal as Algol stripped to its bare essentials and later built it up into something usable in the form of Modula 2 and later Oberon followed by Component Pascal.

In the mean time, Wirth's languages were largely ignored along with the metastasized versions of Algol known as Algol 68 and later Ada, a creature of U.S.A. defense procurement but viewed with contempt by 'Murrican programmers because it is French.

Pascal, or Pascal extensions or Object Pascal continued to enjoy limited use with Digital Equipment reputed to have a really good implementation and Turbo Pascal having its heyday on PC-DOS. The objection to Pascal was long that it didn't have a standard implementation and that it wasn't FOSS nor portable until it somehow, owing the tireless work of people who aren't Murricans, became all of these things in the form of Free Pascal, which has compiler switches for the Apple and other dialects but is largely Delphi 7, for which Anders Hejlsberg is the coolest language inventor, even if his spoken English wasn't a fusion of a Scandinavian accent with California Surfer Dude, making him cooler yet. Still under the spell of Professor Brinch Hansen, my go to language these days is Java/Swing for the GUI front end and Delphi 7 for the native-code back end compiled to Windows, MacOS and Linux using Free Pascal.

As to programming language syntax, I have long resigned myself that C-syntax of curly braces and that odd function argument-list use of round braces for if and for statements along with prefix data type declarations and a function returning not arguments being of type void has won, so why do the language designers of Go and Rust try to reinvent this?

Next, we are well into the 21st century, so why do we think ourselves clever to use a programming language (especially in 'Murrica) that still has text include statements with all of the baggage that goes with that when Wirth's Modula 2 had such an elegant solution that Java and even Python is using it in the form of import?

Finally, what sort of problem is Rust supposed to be solving in the systems-programming domain that hasn't been solved by Ada? Yes, Ada was a horror of complexity back-in-the-day, but with everyone having a Cray Y-MP on their tablet device, the blazing compile-and-link speed of Pascal is no longer a game changer, and developers, I am told, have figured out how to make compliant Ada implementations. Are people such bigots that they won't use Ada because it either has a US Defense Department taint or because it is French?

Comment Pretty much (Score 1) 68

I have my "issues" with C, but C is what it is, and what it is, Rust isn't.

Joel Spolsky back in the day when people were reading his blog posts offered a software engineering guidline of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it because fixing it will make many more bugs."

In the Spolsky-esque traditions, the Linux kernel contains many shims and patches to work within the limitations of C, but if you change it over to something else, even portions of it, you lose all of what those shims and patches are doing. Never good.

Comment Dancing elephant (Score 1) 172

For all of the critique of the electric car, think of the dancing elephant.

The thing with the dancing elephant is not whether it keeps its back and free leg straight or points its toes or even keep rhythm all that well. We are impressed that an elephant can dance at all.


The $44,000 base-trim Tesla 3 has essentially the same passenger and trunk room as a $25,000 base-trim Civic.


Fanbois won't stop telling you that modern EVs can go until you need to eat another Subway sandwich.

Recharge time?

It is considerably longer than a tank fill, but it does not have to take 12 hours as it did with early EVs.


The battery mileage and calendar life, as I said, is well in excess of the average first-owner keeping a car. I hear the resale value suggests hesistancy of used-car buyers.


For people who can charge at home or work where employers supply charging stations, very convenient. Having enough (working) on-the-road chargers is a work-in-progress.

Maintenance and repair costs?

Much better than a gasoline car, or at least until something breaks.

As I said about what amazes people about a dancing elephant.

Comment Economy of scale (Score 1) 172

The whole auto industry since at least the days of Henry Ford is built on the principle of economy of scale.

They need to increase sales to drive down their unit costs. While they are doing this, they will sell those cars at a loss.

Tesla went through the same process, where they were burning cash and the doubters thought they would go out of business.

Comment Infamously anti-EV Toyota (Score 1) 172

Toyota produces some of the most reliable and long-lasting with top-in-class fuel economy of all the manufacturers.

Toyota produces some of the most reliable and long-lasting hybrid vehicles.

With respect to their domestic market, Japan imports all of the fuel for their fossil-powered electric generation, and let's just say their nuclear sector has had a serious setback. I don't know what their situation is on wind, solar, hydro and geothermal. The thinking at Toyota favoring hybrids over pure EV is to favor the most energy-efficient solution from well to wheel rather than an electric car. Another thought is that hybrids could get better market share as well as bang-for-the-yen in using expensive materials to reduce both overall energy consumption as well as CO2 emission.

Maybe their top executives have more insight into this than hipsters who regard it cool to use bad language on anyone they disagree with?

Comment What about the lithium battery? (Score 1) 172

Your generations makes no mention of the game-changing lithium battery.

Before the lithium battery, EVs were indeed glorified go-carts.

With the lithium battery and its combination of discharge rate enabling high horsepower, storage capacity enabling range of the same-order-of-magnitude of a gasoline powered car, and sufficient charging cycles to last the life of what first-owners typically keep a car, it became a plausible "plug-in" replacement to a gasoline car for many people.

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