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Comment Re:Potato Blight for computers (Score 2, Interesting) 273

No, you would probably just get access to the one box (and others identical to it). You generally would not get access to the other boxes, unless they share essentially the same vulnerability.

By "access" I didn't mean you would then have full access to everything on the network. By access I meant you would have an entrance point to the network and then would be able to access whatever other computers that the node you exploited has access to. Through that entrance point you would then be able to scan and attempt to exploit any computers it can access.

GP's point was that a monoculture can be devastated by a single assault, but a mixed ecosystem is much more difficult to damage severely.

So it is claimed, but there are numerous cases of people breaking through heterogeneous systems so this claim is a bit lacking.

Comment Re:only works with (Score 1) 240

eh exactly, I make full use of my PC's hardware with applications that actually require it - therefore having a torrent app take up 300mb is not only unnecessary but is diverting resources from app's that NEED it.

But the person has 4 gigs of RAM. 300 MB is barely going to bring up total usage on a normal system to maybe 20% which leaves you with close to 3 GB left. Your other apps are hardly going to be memory starved only 3 gigs.

Sure that memory might sit idle for a few minutes a day, but that means its ready, willing and able when and where its needed.

And it means you are just wasting energy for nothing.

Torrents are background tasks - save the resources for the proper tasks.

But if you have more than enough RAM to cover all the other tasks along with the torrents you are running why should you care? You seem to be complaining about usage of the system resources that is a pittance in the total pool of available memory and CPU.

Comment Re:Patch? (Score 2, Interesting) 273

Sure, if your sysadmin is an idiot. If one box being compromised results in full access to all boxes on the network, your system is poorly designed.

Strawman argument. No where in my statement did I say anything about having full access to every other box on the network through that one node. But, once an attacker has an inlet into the network they can then move on to compromise other systems which may have greater access to other parts of the network. The simple fact of the matter is that the systems on the network are going to have to have some level of access to each other otherwise there is no point in networking them up together.

Comment Re:only works with (Score 0) 240

You over bought then.

No, some of us actually take full advantage of the resources in our PCs rather than complaining about 1% of our CPU being used.

If global warming is a real concern, then it should matter to you that software is inefficient. True it may not matter a lot that one person is running some bloatware, but when you've got three hundred million people running bloatware, then being a few percent more efficient makes sense.

The power usage difference between something using 1% of the CPU vs. say .5% is going to be marginal at best even on a grand scale.

Comment Re:Patch? (Score 2, Interesting) 273

Why would you need to patch if nobody has a clue about how to attack your system?

Because if even one system in your heterogeneous environment is exploitable you have just given them an easy backdoor to the rest of your system. If all systems aren't patched up you've only created a false sense of security and you've increased your maintenance costs many magnitudes higher for some "security through obscurity" scheme.

Comment Re:Potato Blight for computers (Score 1) 273

well, actually, this really is the answer - you never get rid of vulnerabilities but you can put enough variation in them that specialised viruses become less effective.

So the answer is to have a solution that is a nightmare for anyone who has to maintain it? Yeah, that sounds brilliant.

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