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Comment Re: Shocking (Score 5, Insightful) 289

It is, but not logical in that way. Fashion demonstrates that you can do something other people can't - whether it's spend more money, wear something that is inconvenient because you don't have to work, etc. What it's definitely not is about "getting something done efficiently". Quite the contrary, and hence the assumption of a lack of logic.

Comment Re: Value for money (Score 1) 196

Over the course of my life, I've spent maybe 100 CHF on iOS apps. Considering the cost of a phone is, what, 900 CHF, replacing all of those apps on an android device would not be a significant inhibitor. Especially since only a few of those apps are still installed and in use on my phone...

Comment Re: not in N.C. (Score 1) 360

Letting people elect their own president has sometimes shown to do more harm than good as well, but I don't see anyone arguing against that. Voter ID is one of those common sense things that should be in place by default; if you're incapable of obtaining identification which most people have (state ID, drivers license, etc.) then perhaps you shouldn't be entrusted with a vote.

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