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Comment Re:Obama == Bush (corporate friend)? (Score 1) 546

I'm not very sure of the details, but I was under the impression that some countries in Europe have a direct representation of power according to how many votes they receive. This style of governance is actually more how I would like to see the government run, for example, if the libertarian, independent, green, anarchist, or whatever party gets 10% of the vote in a state, that party should maintain at least 10% control over what happens there rather than hoping that they can beat the parties at large in the next election in the mob-rule style of politics that we have now.

Comment Re:Obama == Bush (corporate friend)? (Score 2, Interesting) 546

I agree with you about the two party system being a symptom and I did imply that state power was the solution to the over-reaching fed. A lot of states are actually declaring sovereignty:

(NaturalNews) Nine state legislatures have either passed or introduced bills intended to reaffirm their state's sovereignty as laid out in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Constitution. Another twenty states are expected to introduce similar measures this year. While the ramifications of these resolutions are still uncertain, one thing is clear. People are sick and tired of the federal government's usurpation of power not granted to it by the Constitution. They have had enough of fear based economic terrorism and underhanded promotion of policies and procedures that bypass public scrutiny and the will of the people.


Comment Re:Obama == Bush (corporate friend)? (Score 4, Insightful) 546

Voting for either "side" in this broken two party corporate governance is a waste, the best you can hope for is that the guy who wins will fuck you less than the other guy.

that is unless we take control of our federal government by utilizing our state power, but who really paid attention to the local elections? Last time I checked, they were installed by the same corporations/banks that paid for McCain AND Obama!

Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself at


Submission + - GIMP 2.4 Released 3

Enselic writes: After almost three years since the release of GIMP 2.2, the GIMP developers have just announced the release of GIMP 2.4.

The release notes speaks of scalable bitmap brushes, redesigned rectangle/ellipse selection tools, redesigned crop tool, a new foreground selection tool, a new align tool, reorganized menu layouts, improved zoomed in/zoomed out image display quality, improved priting and color management support and a new perspective clone tool.

Submission + - Patent Reform Bill Approved by House Committe

Alex Forster writes: The House Committee on the Judiciary approved far-reaching legislation to reform the nation's patent system Wednesday. The Patent Reform Act of 2007 largely reflects the IT sector's lobbying effort to curtail lengthy, expensive patent infringement lawsuits, but Wednesday's committee deliberations centered on finding compromises acceptable to opponents — namely the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, manufacturers, and large research universities — so that the bill could win approval. Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., described the current patent system as inefficient, bogged down by inappropriate litigation rules, unreliably funded, and resulting in patents of "questionable quality." The bill would make it harder to secure a patent and easier for rivals to challenge one, and it would change how courts determine an infringed patent's value.

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