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Comment Re:WTF.. Why do we let retards like this post... (Score 1) 374

A 10-inch, 1024x768 (or higher!) resolution screen placed one feet and a half from your eyes will look bigger and appear sharper than a 40-inch, 1920x1080 screen placed a couple of yards away.

Screen size in tablets is not a problem for gaming. Some of the other issues you mentioned might be, though.

Comment Re:seems to occupy a lot more space (Score 1) 221

France runs 500kph trains

No, not really. According to Wikipedia ( France's TGVs run at a top speed of 320 km/h, not 500 km/h. 320 mph is fairly close to 500 km/h so that's probably the source of the mistake.

The latest generation bullet trains that do 300kph

Pretty much the same as France's TGV.

Comment Re:Teamviewer (Score 2, Informative) 454

I have used both LogMeIn Free (mentioned above) and TeamViewer.

LogMeIn Free feels more polished than TeamViewer but it needs to be installed and configured in the PC you want to control, which makes it the best choice only for computers you will maintain on a regular basis (e.g. your parents', your brother's...).

TeamViewer, on the other hand, doesn't need to be installed or configured in the PC you want to control --your "customer" simply needs to dowload a file, run it and read a couple of numbers to you-- which makes it ideal for one-off support cases.

Comment Re:External Forces = Pressure (Score 1) 383

Of course you shouldn't expect it not to break. But an explosion? That's unacceptable.

Funny enough, here's a quote from an article in IEEE's Spectrum magazine:

the energy density of lithium-ion batteries used for laptop computers, at 40 watt-hours per kilogram, [is] already getting uncomfortably close to that of your basic hand grenade

I'm just saying.

Comment Re:Sad sign on the status of comedy (Score 1) 132

MAD started losing it the day William M. Gaines passed away. He was the heart and soul of the magazine and, when he was no longer there to say what made it and what didn't make it into print, the quality of the magazine suffered. A lot. So much so that I didn't renew my subscription after William's death.

The problem is not that only one out of three issues is funny but rather than only one third of every issue is.

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