My understanding is that you still need to plug the USB end somewhere to power it. So you need either a USB extension cable, or an HDMI extension cable.
Or something like this
I accidentally other os. Is this dangerous?
Greetings, professor Falken... shall we play a game?
You can actually own it for free just by signing up at GOG
Actually, you can own it for free by apt-getting it in Ubuntu, too
So seriously, enough with this "OMG MS just needs to make a 100% perfectly secure OS!" shit. It shows massive ignorance of how complex and OS is, and what all you have to balance. No problem with that, you needn't learn about it if you don't want, but then don't argue from a position of ignorance and assume that they could make a perfect OS if only they wanted to bad enough.
Well, the problem is the complexity of their OS. Even Mark Russinovich said they didn't know how the system works:
What we do [instead] is take full Windows, and start pulling pieces off of it. The problem with that is, pieces that're left sometimes have dependencies out to pieces that we've removed. And we don't really understand those dependencies.
The Cold War was initially thought to be an American "win", but it was more due to problems within the USSR, rather than anything America did.
Not really. The problems within the USSR were largely caused by pressures due to their participation within the Cold War. In a sense, the U.S. won the Cold War by out-producing the Soviets.
So, what you are saying is that the Afghanis and Iraqis are winning because of financial pressures due to U.S. participation within the Iraq and Afghanistan war?
If you ban CIFS and NFS, what's left? Sneakernet has great bandwidth, but the latency sucks and it's a bitch to search.
As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare