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Comment Re:of Amber (Score 1) 191

Son of Oberon, grandson of Dworkin & the Unicorn (eww), brother of Corwin and Benedict and Gerard and Random and Eric and Osric and Finndo and Brand and Blayze and

You need to get out more. Unfortunately, so do I. (You omitted Florimel, Fiona, Deidre ... and that's Bleys, not to mention Caine... and wasn't there another sister? )

Comment Re:What ever the boss says. (Score 2) 177

So your preference is whatever your boss tells you? You have no opinions on what you prefer? I'm astonished that anyone that reads /. would admit to being so servile and unimaginitive.

Tut now. Remember the golden rule. The one who pays the gold, makes the rules.

More seriously - the boss knows better than you what direction the company is going, the future options, the requirements, the amount of talent out there, hopefully your own leanings. He's the boss. You can try and talk him out of it if you think he's wrong, but you'd better be able to back it up.

And at the end of the day, it it goes pear-shaped, it's his problem.

Comment Re:Hell *YES*. (Score 1) 192

Some of us have taste and the disposable income to buy quality.

And if you have money, you probably don't have it through squandering it buying massively overpriced electronics that go obsolete within only a few years. If you're spending premium money on electronics you're investing in your home theatre or in a whole-house control system integrated into your appliances and security system, things that will function for more than a decade and can be added on to or serviced as needs arise. I've known a few people that are truly wealthy, and none of them have been the type to flaunt their wealth or to spend it frivolously. Many have been 'in' to something in particular, like crystal glass, or automobiles, or jewelry, but they buy things that last, not things that go obsolete quickly.

Tut now.. Please don't feed the trolls.

Comment Re:Sure about the Louvre? (Score 1) 183

Why take pictures of paintings, if you can download a better quality and that leaves you time to enjoy the painting.

A friend of mine always bought pictures (dia format) when he visited cities, because that way he had the best quality of the image of the building.

I take almost no photos of buildings. I can look them up online and if I forget where I was, then it was not worth remembering.

Quite agree, And I did something else - I went to the Uffizi a few years back, and bought slides. Along with books, etc. Slides (I figure) give you the sense of size and scale that photos and books don't. I've done the same with the paintings in the Cistine chapel.

Problem is of course, finding a slide projector...

Comment Re:Yes. What do you lose? But talk to lawyer first (Score 1) 734

and if it really does become an issue they can renounce citizenship later.

Are you aware there is a fee of somewhere around $10,000 USD to renounce your citizenship, plus any back taxes and penalties you may owe? Also, you are required to file U.S. tax returns even if you make ZERO income if you have any money at all in a non-U.S. bank account. The U.S. is one of the few countries that requires you to file tax returns in that case even if you don't owe any taxes. And they have been enforcing this rule: a lot of Canadians found themselves owing huge amounts of money in penalties to the IRS for failing to file these returns even though they didn't owe any U.S. taxes, and many of these people didn't consider themselves to be U.S. citizens and weren't even aware that the U.S. considered them to be citizens till they got their tax bill.

Interesting. So theoretically, the whole world would be better off filing US tax returns just in case the US considers them citizens, and just in case the US goes the next step and starts billing them for not filing a tax return.

Wonder if any other countries have this policy? I could file tax returns for Bolivia, Tibet, Belgium, Samoa, Madagascar and Dubai just in case they also consider me a citizen.

What's worse, if I ever don't file one, having started, then they'd chase me.

We could bog down the world with paperwork; electronic and otherwise. Or has this already been done?

Comment Encoding vs Encrypting. (Score 1) 114

In the following example:
"Mother" is the Chief of Staff
"Uncle James" is the head of state,
"Maisie's house" is the UN building
"Fishing" is 'discussing nuclear limitations'>br> "Peeling Plums" is 'advising of invasion plans for country xxx

Message starts: "Mother and Uncle James are on their way to Maisie's house to peel some plums. After that they hope to go fishing, then see a movie. Have a lovely weekend. Cousin Sam"

Message is indecipherable without a code book.

Comment Re:"Free" exercise (Score 1) 304

I don't go fast enough to need to change clothes when I arrive,

Try going naked with your clothes in the panniers. You'll be cooler and faster

Gives "getting a wedgie" a whole new meaning.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 2) 681

Lots of climate change deniers, cornucopians and similar delusional folks in software development.

The same as there are in any other field. IT isn't full of science nerds. We have all sorts in this profession.

Example - when I started programming ages ago, one of my fellow programmers was working on an Astrological program. Another was developing something that would enable him to pick winners on the horse races. I suspect the latter was more scientifically based than the former.

Personally in my spare time I transmute base metals into gold. And vice versa.

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
