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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:good news and good moves  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @02:31AM  1
books online  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @02:23AM  1
   attached to Free Books Online
Re:Ok. I Don't Buy It  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @01:03AM  1
Hackers  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @12:57AM  1
   attached to Slashdot's Top 10 Hacks of all Time
Re:Not quite classic yet  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @04:03AM  1
Re:If it works don't brake it.  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @03:59AM  1
Re:Because hondas...  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @03:52AM  1
Classic Cars  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @03:46AM  1
   attached to Geeks, Computers and Cars?
Ergonomics  *Monday November 22, 1999 @10:53PM  1
   attached to OSHA Getting Tougher About Ergonomics
Next Pointer  *Monday November 22, 1999 @11:08PM  1
   attached to Your Next Pointer Device?
Nano Nano  *Monday November 22, 1999 @10:58PM  1
   attached to Nano-switches and Self-Assembling Nanostructures
Re:pirst fost fevahhh...  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @02:52AM  1
Online  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @02:50AM  1
   attached to Quantifying Online Promotion Efforts?
Re:How about this/ how would it work?  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @04:18AM  1
wages  *Wednesday December 01, 1999 @04:17AM  1
   attached to High Tech Wages - Salary or Hourly?
Wearable Translator  *Thursday November 11, 1999 @11:04PM  1
   attached to Wearable Translator to Debut at Comdex
Ethics  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @03:34AM  1
Moral Dilemma  *Thursday November 25, 1999 @03:06AM  1
   attached to Who is Responsible? The Developer? The User?
Passwords  *Saturday November 13, 1999 @09:43PM  1
   attached to How do you Remember Your Passwords?
Media  *Monday November 08, 1999 @06:23PM  1
Re:At least they...  *Monday November 08, 1999 @06:16PM  1
Re:Just goes to show  *Monday November 08, 1999 @06:12PM  1
Mainstream Media  *Monday November 08, 1999 @06:10PM  1
   attached to Mainstream Media on Slashdot and Microsoft
Online Romance  *Monday November 08, 1999 @06:38PM  1
   attached to Online Romance - For Good or Evil?

We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
