Shirley, that'd be Big Ugly Fat Fucker.
And stop calling me Shirley! I picked the wrong day to stop smoking.
So how much of the work does the eventual owner have to do on the firearm? If you want to register a kit car as a custom vehicle you have to have put a certain number of hours into it, as I recall, or maybe a percentage of the total hours.
The part that gets the serial number from the manufacturer is considered the firearm. In the case of an AR style rifle this would be the lower receiver, For a 1911 handgun this would be the frame. As to how much work has to be done
No, not in Sweden. The local people are going to have no say unless they pull an ethnic-minorities card - for instance if the town were a Suomi sacred site or something.
The fact that most people there are Suomi and that its in the far north (which in Sweden means Hicks a-la Bob and Doug Mackenzie) indicates that Swedes in the south will not give a rats ass what hardship it causes.
FTFY and the Mackenzie brothers were from Canada not Sweden. Obviously you must be thinking about the Muppets and the Swedish chef.
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