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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
A Poem for Sir Alec  *Sunday August 06, 2000 @05:43PM  3
   attached to Sir Alec Guinness Dies
Napster should stop  *Monday June 26, 2000 @09:48AM  1
   attached to Could This be the End of the Internet?
Think About It...  *Monday June 19, 2000 @06:06PM  2
   attached to US Lags Behind Europe In Online Privacy
One Good Thing About Battlefield Earth  *Friday June 09, 2000 @10:15AM  1
   attached to The Battlefield Earth Contest
It's The SubEtha Net!  *Wednesday May 03, 2000 @05:16PM  1
   attached to ICMP_HOST_BELOW_HORIZON - TCP/IP Into Orbit
Re:Yelling is not intellectual material  *Wednesday May 03, 2000 @05:34PM  1
   attached to Shut Down Metallica, Not Napster
Re:what about the monitor  *Wednesday May 03, 2000 @01:22PM  1
   attached to ArsTechnica Espresso PC Review
What Happened to Fenchurch?  *Tuesday May 02, 2000 @12:22PM  1
   attached to Ask Douglas Adams About...Everything
This is good, Now do SPC!  *Wednesday April 12, 2000 @04:32PM  1
   attached to Star Blazers Available Online

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
